TALK ABOUT OVERDUE! #ViktorVonDoom deserves his own #anti-#hero #solo #movie complete with well defined Origin Story: loss of Mother, introduction to the occult, accumulation of power and establishment of #Latveria.

TALK ABOUT OVERDUE! #ViktorVonDoom deserves his own #anti-#hero #solo #movie complete with well defined Origin Story: loss of Mother, introduction to the occult, accumulation of power and establishment of #Latveria.

Invincible Man, The Master, Vincent Vaughn, Hans; has also inhabited the bodies of Daredevil, Norman McArthur and the Fantastic Four

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Tragedy Among the Gypsies

Victor von Doom was born to the Zefiro travelers (Gypsies) Werner and Cynthia in Latveria, a small European country which grew out of Hungary and was ruled by King Vladimir Vassily Gonereo Tristian Mangegi Fortunov, Baron of Sabbat, Baron of Haasen, Baron of Krozi. Victor barely knew his mother, a witch who had invoked the demon Mephisto for power, which raged out of control before she was finally slain by a soldier. Before dying, she asked Werner to protect young Victor from Mephisto. Victor’s father, a doctor, was forced to treat King Vladimir’s wife. When Werner could not cure her cancer, Vladimir blamed him for his wife’s death, and Werner fled with Victor. Werner died from exposure to the cold while protecting his son. Before dying, Werner placed Victor into the care of his best friend, Boris, and tried to warn his son of the fearful life he foresaw him falling into, but he died before he could make Victor understand.

A Chosen Path

Discovering his mother’s mystical artifacts, Victor schooled himself in sorcery. He began an annual contest against the might of Mephisto, attempting to set his mother’s soul free. By the time he was a teenager, he had also become a scientific genius and used his inventions to wage a one-man war against the monarchy of Latveria, always a step ahead of them. His genius was heard of even in America, and he was invited to New York’s Empire State University on a scholarship. Victor had been in love with Boris’ granddaughter Valeria, but he left her behind as his desire to acquire knowledge and the means to seek revenge on others consumed him.

Disgraced, Scarred, and Doomed

Arriving at State, Doom was greeted by Reed Richards, a fellow student who was interested in rooming with him, but Doom rejected his offer of friendship. Throughout his university days, Doom pursued a rivalry with Richards, convinced of his own superior intellect. Doom’s greatest invention was a machine designed to rescue his mother’s soul from the netherworld. Richards tried to warn him of a flaw in his calculations, but Doom was too proud to listen. He activated the machine and it exploded in his face. Expelled for the explosion, Doom sustained only a few facial scars, but believed his looks had been ruined. Filled with self-loathing he left America for Tibet, seeking new enlightenment. There he found the Aged Genghis, one of the enigmatic Immortal Nine. The now senile sorcerer directed him to seek out a long-lost order of monks. Doom made them his servants and had them forge his first suit of armor, designed to hide his features from the world. Doom had them press the mask to his face before it had cooled, ensuring that if his face had not been hideous before, it was now.

The New Ruler of Latveria – For Life

Dr. Doom then conquered Latveria, slaying King Vladimir, imprisoning his son Rudolfo, and having a robot duplicate of Rudolfo surrender the Latverian crown to him, after which he renamed the capital city, Haasenstadt, as Doomstadt. He used his genius and technology to transform Latveria into a paradise where no citizen wants, no one is threatened by war, and all praise Doom– or face the consequences. While Doom maintained a puppet prime minister, the outside world was largely unaware of Doom’s status as ruler, tending to dismiss his existence as a myth. Doom stepped up his scientific prowess, designing a time machine and robotic duplicates of himself: his Doombots. In one of his earliest time travels he journeyed back to World War II and considered killing Adolf Hitler for the crimes his Nazi regime had inflicted upon the Zefiro and other travelers, but ultimately decided to leave him to his own fate.


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#Doom has “good” intentions, according to the Panther God,  #BAST. He just wants peace and order…Earthly #MadTitan


Victor Von Doom (a.k.a. “Teen Doom” among fans on social media), would have kicked off at the end of this month and followed the future Latverian dictator on the closest thing to a college roadtrip he ever took — a journey through Hell to save his mother’s soul.

Read More: Nick Spencer and Becky Cloonan’s ‘Victor Von Doom’ Miniseries Canceled Before Publication |


#PSJV (Parker Jenkins) #BPCameo? #SecondColdWar #Doombots #ILLUMINATI #EnlightenedOne #GypsyLove

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