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“We are the Dora Milaje. We are the daughters of the 18 tribes of Wakanda. We are the teeth of the Panther God. Out of 10,000 years of sweat and bloodshed and battle are we born. We are the women of this ancient land. Deadliest of the species. And our time has come!”

“We are the Dora Milaje. We are the daughters of the 18 tribes of Wakanda. We are the teeth of the Panther God. Out of 10,000 years of sweat and bloodshed and battle are we born. We are the women of this ancient land. Deadliest of the species. And our time has come!”


Protect the Golden City!


The medium-sized government juggles the competing demands of Education, Spirituality, and Defense. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 27.3%.

That The Territory of #Wakandan #economy, worth 7.07 trillion Wakandan Dollars a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Gambling industry, with major contributions from Automobile Manufacturing, Arms Manufacturing, and Retail. Average income is 52,755 Wakandan Dollars, with the richest citizens earning 8.1 times as much as the poorest.

More and more students are taking up a career in medicine, skateboarding is considered a form of diplomacy, droves of former desperados are applying to join the border police, and airport security is provided by private companies. Crime is relatively low, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. The Territory of Wakanda’s national animal is the #Panther, which can occasionally be seen sifting through garbage in the nation’s cities.

The Territory of Wakanda is ranked 7th in The Flare Police Confederacy and 55,993rd in the world for Highest Drug Use, scoring 75 on the Pineapple Fondness Rating.


Meet M’BUTU, Wakanda’s Fiercest Warrior & Most Polarizing Figure by Parker Jenkins V

Meet M’BUTU, Wakanda’s Fiercest Warrior & Most Polarizing Figure by Parker Jenkins V


Coogler’s onscreen representation of Niganda’s brutal Prime Minister, M’Butu, is critically important to #BPSoLit2018’s success: The All-New 2018 #ManApe


First and foremost, kudos to Marvel Studios’ Execs Nate Moore and Kevin Feige for finding their #ManApe. Casting has long been the MCU’s strong point and selecting Winston Duke of Tobago (“Person of Interest,” “The Messengers”) to portray the traitorous leader of the Wakandan Warrior Command (also King T’Challa’s confidant and cousin in different iterations) already appears to be another such pin-point decision. Commanding voice, great presence and stature; non-American. Very exciting indeed.

winston4 Winston Duke


  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6 feet 6 in
  • Physique: Athletic
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Length: Short
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Ethnicity: Caribbean
  • Voice Type: Baritone, Bass


Law and Order SVUCedric JonesUniversal television


  • Yale School of Drama, MFA, New Haven CT, 2013
  • University at Buffalo, BA, Buffalo NY, 2009


  • Yale School of Drama , New Haven …

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Meet M’BUTU, Wakanda’s Fiercest Warrior & Most Polarizing Figure by Parker Jenkins

Meet M’BUTU, Wakanda’s Fiercest Warrior & Most Polarizing Figure by Parker Jenkins

Coogler’s onscreen representation of Niganda’s brutal Prime Minister, M’Butu, is critically important to #BPSoLit2018’s success: The All-New 2018 #ManApe


First and foremost, kudos to Marvel Studios’ Execs Nate Moore and Kevin Feige for finding their #ManApe. Casting has long been the MCU’s strong point and selecting Winston Duke of Tobago (“Person of Interest,” “The Messengers”) to portray the traitorous leader of the Wakandan Warrior Command (also King T’Challa’s confidant and cousin in different iterations) already appears to be another such pin-point decision. Commanding voice, great presence and stature; non-American. Very exciting indeed.

Winston Duke


  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6 feet 6 in
  • Physique: Athletic
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Length: Short
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Ethnicity: Caribbean
  • Voice Type: Baritone, Bass


Law and Order SVU Cedric Jones Universal television


  • Yale School of Drama, MFA, New Haven CT, 2013
  • University at Buffalo, BA, Buffalo NY, 2009


  • Yale School of Drama , New Haven , Classical , 2013

The Complexities of an Afrcan Ape Man


Yet herein lies the caveat: when a giant African warrior slays a rare white gorilla, bathing in its blood before consuming its flesh, granting said individual the ability to lift ten tons over head its bound to raise more than a few puzzled and/or distraught eyebrows.

LeBron Kong

Voodun Occult Mysticism, Ancient Alchemy & Shamanic “Spear-Chucking” Magical Negroes in Film

Anthropologists often distinguish between two forms of magic, the sympathetic and the contiguous.

Sympathetic magic works on the principle that like produces like. The Ojibwa of North America would make a wooden image of an enemy and then stick pins into it. Because the doll represented the enemy, harm done to the doll was believed to harm the enemy.

Contiguous magic operates on the belief that things that have been in contact will continue to act on each other after the physical contact has ceased. For example, the aborigines of Australia believe that they can lame a person by placing sharp pieces of quartz, glass, bone, or charcoal in that person’s footprints. Sometimes both sympathetic and contiguous magic are used in conjunction; certain African tribes will build a clay effigy around nail clippings, hairs, or bits of cloth belonging to the enemy and roast the completed image slowly in a fire.

Given the climate of modern day superhero franchises and the level of information available to today’s already uber knowledgeable movie enthusiasts (worldwide), don’t expect either form let alone a true-to-cannon representation of the big bad (outlawed) Jabari Tribe’s White Gorlla Cult as seen in Marvel print publications.

Referencing Chadwick Boseman, a thespian who consistently shows very high levels of political/cultural awareness in regards to portraying a fictitious African King/superhero durning the dawn of the #BlackLiverMatter era, T’Challa the Black Panther and Sovereign monarch of Wakanda will be a fully-realized entity on his own and does not exist to mystically serve the needs of the white lead co-stars.

From i09:

He’s a king so he doesn’t necessarily have to take feedback at all so that’s a good observation. What do you think prevents T’Challa from being a Magical Negro in Civil War? Part of the formula is there: he’s an otherworldly character who could be fixing these white folks’ problems [Boseman laughs].

Boseman: Well, he’s there for his own purpose. He’s not there… usually what happens is “well, he did this in this scene and now he’s doing [something else contradictory] and that doesn’t even fit the character.” That’s the Magical Negro thing. But, I think we were very cognizant about making a character that had his own through-line, his own intent and he wasn’t going to waver for anybody else’s story. Anytime that I felt like that was about to happen, I’d be like ‘nah, this is what he wants. You can do whatever you wanna do but this is what I feel like he needs to be doing.’ I feel like that’s the key. Sometimes… I won’t say more than that. I could go into the Magical Negro and talk about that forever but…. [laughs loudly]

I’m not gonna stop you!

Boseman: Nah, I think the main thing is just keeping it very clear that he has his own arc and his own things that he wants and desires. He only changes that when something strikes a chord at his core. It strikes a chord at what I think is his lineage and heritage and what he’s been taught, at what he’s been groomed to be. He can’t make that shift at the end of the movie unless he’s been groomed to make that shift already. And even though we don’t see that grooming, that’s actually the first glimpse into Wakanda before you see that tag at the very end.

– See more at:

ALL Magical Negroes Strictly Prohibited!

King of the Congo

A swipe at Boxing champion Jack Jonhson?

“We’ll give him more than chains. He’s always been king of his world, but we’ll teach him fear. We’re millionaires, boys. I’ll share it with all of you. Why, in a few months, it’ll be up in lights on Broadway: Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World.” – Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong).


For audiences in 1933, King Kong was a horrifying monster film. To modern audiences, it is a horrifying display of racism yoked with revealing commentary on Euro=American imperialism.

When the #BPSoLIT Casting Call was leaked online, M’Butu’s name instantly garnished my attention, spawning thoughts on how difficult a line his likeness must tow for his cinematic creators.

King of the Crystal Forest
Lord Mandla, younger brother to M’Butu. [Black Panther (2016) #3]

A Sophisticated Solution


In the 2016 volume six version of Marvel’s Black Panther title, writer and author Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Wakanda excludes the iconic Nigandan General M’Butu. Instead, his younger brother Mandla, who uses a tech suit to enhance his strength to superhuman levels, leads the malicious Jabari Tribe on a crime spree in Wakanda; rape being chief among their activities. At least until finally being brought to justice by revolutionary fugitive Midnight Angels of the Dora Milaje order. [Black Panther (2016) #3].

How all of this occurs right under the Wakandan Royal Family’s collective noses is anyone’s guess.

Rather than the  traditional, more controversial version of the character…


…here’s what needs to be done:

If there is going to be suit, it need be Mecha. In addition, General M’Butu should be educated abroad and possess interests (engineering, the sciences, etc,) reflective of a high ranking military commander hailing from the most technologically advanced nation-state on the planet. In other words Man-Ape MUST BE genuinely intellectually sophisticated.

Perhaps M’Butu, seen as a gentle giant by most, was a favorite of the Late Great King T’Chaka and relishes the opportunity to seize and fill the apparent vacuum of power in Wakanda.

Lest we forget, Niganda is still very sore about Wakanda’s absorption of the Alkalma Fields. The bountiful breadbasket of the region.

M’Butu most certainly  will and should challenge the seemimgly ever absent and untested newly crowned king for the throne.

Sans the chimp pilot, of course.




See Also:

The Most Influential Man in Modern TImes?


African illustrator Loyiso Mkize noticed stereotypical patterns and tropes in many popular superhero comic books and did something quite constructive about it.

African illustrator Loyiso Mkize noticed stereotypical patterns and tropes in many popular superhero comic books and did something quite constructive about it.


Two friends brought together by their passion for innovation, creativity and change founded Leti Games in 2009. Eyram and Wesley came from a background of accomplished and award winning video games development and were passionate to build a one of a kind video games development studio, in fact one of very few in Africa. Due to the lack of skilled people and video games development studios, Leti Games not only faced the challenge of building a company in Africa, but also a new industry in Africa.


Our goal is to create the next African Super heroes via comics and Games! Through that, we tend to create fun, challenging, multi-player and mind-blowing Games as well as valuable Mobile Content!

We believe Africa will make a salient contribution to the world of Game Development and Digital Media.

We are not only building a company in Africa, we are building a whole new industry in Africa!

As with elsewhere on the continent, American titles were the most readily available for purchase. “Growing up, comic books had a huge interest for me. It wasn’t just the visuals — but the strong superheroes. I wanted to emulate them,” he told BuzzFeed News.

As he got older, though, he started questioning them. “I was thinking, where are the heros that look like me, speak like me, and share the same environment as me? I realized we don’t have it, it came as a big shock.”


The world wide game industry is estimated to be worth more than the movie and music industry combined! This is incredible for an industry that is less than 30 years old! Leti Games is strategically positioning itself in the global space in two ways:

1. We bring a unique African perspective: Africa is filled with great stories. There are hundreds of tribes, each with their own unique and mind-blowing stories and legends. From the Zulu of South Africa to the Massai of East Africa to the Ashanti of West Africa. Africa is full of stories begging to be packaged into content.

2. Focus on Mobile: Mobile growth has been phenomenal. There are more people in Africa using data enabled phones than computers. It has become the everyday tool not only for communication but also commerce and entertainment.

From 2009 to mid-2011 we focused on building our technical value. This involved building a base platform, building a few products on top of the platform and testing various distributions and marketing channels in Africa & the World in general.

Spider-Beeatch? Ooops, Eye mean Spider-Girl! The strange case of Ashley Barton: #PSJV #BadAssAcademy

Spider-Beeatch? Ooops, Eye mean Spider-Girl! The strange case of Ashley Barton: #PSJV #BadAssAcademy

September 26, 2016

Ashley’s nickname, “Spider-Bitch”, was changed in Amazing Spider-ManVol 3 #10 to the more family-friendly “Spider-Woman”.


Ashley Barton (Earth-807128)




The daughter of Tonya, Peter Parker‘s youngest daughter, and Hawkeye,Ashley Barton didn’t like the way the Kingpin was running Hammer Falls, so she formed a team of super-heroes with her friends and attempted to take control of his territory, only to be captured and set to be executed.[1]

Her father broke her out of her cell, only to be shocked when Ashley killed the Kingpin, to take over his territory for her own, using her new-found power to attempt to kill him.[3] Logan rescued Hawkeye with his Spider-Mobile and Ashley sent her men after them.[4]


Ashley, now dubbed Spider-Woman, was recruited by Spider-Man (Otto Octavius) from Earth-616 to kill Karn, an individual who was hunting spider-themed people across the Multiverse.[5]


Apparently spider-powers and super-strength, since she decapitated the Kingpin with a shotgun handle.


Tobias Roybal Photography Ashley Barton Marvel Cosplay | Beautiful Cosplay | Pinterest | Spider Girl, Cosplay and Tobias

  • background.jpg
Anti-Poaching Units (#APU) #Big5 by @crazyasian1 (RobertChew)! #PSJV

Anti-Poaching Units (#APU) #Big5 by @crazyasian1 (RobertChew)! #PSJV


#NoPoaching #StrictlyEnforced!

“So I think it’s about time I explained what all this animal mecha is about.
The Big Five robots are part of an anti-poaching organization that protect endangered animals from illegal poaching.

Today poaching of endangered animals in Africa is becoming quite a problem. Particularly for Rhinos and Elephants. Organizations like the IAPF(International Anti-Poaching Foundation) fight to protect these animals everyday. They’re constantly understaffed, ill equipped, and rely mostly on donations to continue to operate.
The inspiration for this series came from their recent application of UAV’s in the operations. I wanted to take that idea further and use the animals themselves as the drones taking their natural characteristics and behaviors to protect their real life counterparts. I chose the Big Five animals because most of them are threatened/endangered and they are iconic animals of the African continent.

I’m going to keep developing this series. I’d like to…

View original post 427 more words

Anti-Poaching Units (#APU) #Big5 by @crazyasian1 (RobertChew)! #PSJV

Anti-Poaching Units (#APU) #Big5 by @crazyasian1 (RobertChew)! #PSJV

#NoPoaching #StrictlyEnforced!

“So I think it’s about time I explained what all this animal mecha is about.
The Big Five robots are part of an anti-poaching organization that protect endangered animals from illegal poaching.

Today poaching of endangered animals in Africa is becoming quite a problem. Particularly for Rhinos and Elephants. Organizations like the IAPF(International Anti-Poaching Foundation) fight to protect these animals everyday. They’re constantly understaffed, ill equipped, and rely mostly on donations to continue to operate.
The inspiration for this series came from their recent application of UAV’s in the operations. I wanted to take that idea further and use the animals themselves as the drones taking their natural characteristics and behaviors to protect their real life counterparts. I chose the Big Five animals because most of them are threatened/endangered and they are iconic animals of the African continent.

I’m going to keep developing this series. I’d like to turn it into a book and use the profits to support the IAPF. Thanks for all your support and feedback for the work I’ve done so far. It’s a good feeling to know that my work is being appreciated by people around the world.” – Robert Chew, Digital Sci-Fi Artist



Journal Entry Ranger Jonathan Mbekezeli

Zimbabwe, Hwange National Park. Rhinoceros re-introduction program. March, 2157

Our little Rhino orphan Farai is doing much better than she was 3 months ago. We found her barely alive next to the corpse of her mother who was taken by poachers. Since she was just a few weeks old her horn was too small so they left her to die. When we found her she was dehydrated, distraught, and exhausted.

Mbangaru & Farai

We brought her back to base and got her back on her feet. It had never been tried before but we introduced her to our old Rhino drone Mbangura. I don’t know much about drone AI systems or any of that stuff but Mbangura seems to enjoy looking after little Farai! An Oxpecker hangar was installed on Mbangura and we let the two of them roam around the area outside of HQ. Mbangura takes Farai around the reserve and shows her where the water holes are, all the different animals in the park, and watches over her at night. He brings Farai back to HQ so we can give her milk and check on her health.

Farai is a cute one. She’s very animated and curious. She’s gotten into a few tough spots with some of the other rhinos but with Mbangura around she has nothing to worry about.

Researches from around the world have come to see the pair. Drone specialists are especially interested in Mbangura, specifically his AI core. The shift in protocol was unexpected and unprecedented. Mbangura is an old combat drone we received from the military. We used him extensively in busting poaching activity and he’s fought with other drones on multiple occassions. For him to be displaying what appears to be natural parental animal-like behavior has become an issue of intense speculation. We’ve argued to keep Mbangura with Farai, and so far we’ve succeeded. I don’t know what’s going to happen next or how long we can keep him.

All I know is that Farai can’t lose another parent.

All proceeds from print sales of this image or any other images related to Big Five will be donated to the IAPF to help them prevent illegal poaching of wildlife in Africa.


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VISIT MYSTERIOUS WAKANDA : An Experience Unlike Any Other! #NoPassportRequired (2018) #BPSoLIT #PSJV

VISIT MYSTERIOUS WAKANDA : An Experience Unlike Any Other! #NoPassportRequired (2018) #BPSoLIT #PSJV


The Black Panther A great Wakandan Kingdom.

MARVEL Films Presents with 40-Acres and a Mule and New Deal-Productions, BET Networks.

Locations: Harlem, Brooklyn, Upper/Lower Manhattan N.Y, Washington D.C, North and South Carolina, Egypt, Namibia, Congo, Cameroon, Kenya, Panama.

New York Skyline: Avengers Tower, The Baxter Building, Daily Bugle, Oscorp, RAND corporation.

NB: Long ago, a huge meteorite made of a rare mineral now known as vibranium, crashed landed in Wakanda. The first king of Wakanda, Black Panther Bashenga, harnessed the mineral and used it to nurture his nation and uniting all the various tribes of Wakanda.

NB: The meteorite must show allot of devastation, it’s not a planet killer, the land in and around the mound physically changes.

All vegetation within 5,000 yards no growth, the colour of vibranium will be dark silver, dug through solid coal human/mutant cannot withstand the energy for long periods without mutating.

NB When the first Europeans encountered Wakanda, there is very large wall made from wood. The wall went on for many miles, there are skulls of dead warriors on spears, to warn tribal factions on the border, they’re climbed over a wall only to see another wall in-between, with large metal spears some soldier’s died in their attempt to get into Wakanda.

NB: The mining suits are lined with gold the exterior is Vibranium with a reflective coating, which gives the appearance of polished chrome.

(The air around the mound is very warm, and emits E.M.P. due to the radiation Vibranium suits are used which are heavily insulated inspiration:

Each suit has a digital display within helmet, to monitor vital signs, Vibranium mining became automated in 1979, Vibranium production is 24hr operation, all disused military weapons no longer in use are recycled.

NB: Some of the Vibranium operation has resulted, in automation by utilising robots. (Weta Workshop)

The Vibranium mound is surrounded by concrete blocks, these outer markers will mark where you can walk safely without suit protection, key sensors built into the block, will help monitor energy levels of the Vibranium.

The mound depth is half a mile deep, without protective you cannot survive the traitorous climate. Many Stalagmite’s and stalagmites are within the various opening’s, these opening look very much the same the Mound is protected by CCTV which can withstand EMP.

Thousands of years later, under the ruling of Black Panther T‘Chaka, Wakanda’s level of technological and economic achievements continued to excel far beyond those of the traditional world.

(A very large meteorite crashes towards earth, settling in Wakanda in the Jurassic era, a large flash of blinding light in the distance as dinosaur’s watch the great illumination of light)

Wakanda first appeared in Fantastic Four #52 (July 1966), and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The name is evocative of the Wakanda tribe of Kenya.

Vibranium First appearance Daredevil #13 (February 1966)

(July 2016 Black Panther will Celebrate 50 Years!)

Sequels Titles: Black-Panther: King of Wakanda, Black-Panther: Conquest Azania, Black-Panther: Serpent Valley, Black Panther: Panthers Rage, Black Panther: Enemy of the State, Black-Panther: Skrull Invasion.

Tag Line: Arise First Nation

Bashenga – To prepare a nation is to prepare a future

I see a great and new Wakanda — the nation of my sons and their sons after them!

Movie Influences: Tears of The Sun, ID4, Grey stoke, The Beast Must Die, Indiana Jones, Dune, The Matrix, xXx, The Bourne Supremacy, Avengers Assemble, Passenger 57, You Only Live Twice, Jurassic Park, CONGO, New Jack City, American Gangster, Supernatural, Insidious, Shaft, M.I:III, Bridge of Spies.

A meeting with T’Chaka in Europe where many oil, gold and platinum and gas companies attend, to meet the king of Wakanda he turns down all the companies.

This results in take over of Wakanda which fails, resulting in a xenophobic society Ulysses Klaw escapes with his life from the unsuccessful cue, resulting in the death of T’Chaka and Kid-knapping of Eric Killmonger in Wakanda, or once the talks have failed the companies decide to take over Wakanda resulting in Ulysses Klaw.

“Ulysses Klaue was an assassin hired to take down T’Chaka at the Bilderberg conference in the case that he refused to negotiate Wakanda’s resources including Vibranium. But, Klaue was also there personally, as the Panther killed his great-grandfather in the 19th century while this one was trying to annex Wakanda. He was paid ten million dollars for the kill.” 26th-08-2015

NB: First appearance The Avengers #52 (May 1968), first movie appearance Captain AMERICA Civil War May 2016.

Trivia: Wesley Snipes and Blair Underwood, were attached to portray T’Challa back in 1993, Source Choice FM Radio, work on this project has been in development as stated since 1993 to present day.

Many of the scripts Stan Lee didn’t approve, due to poor writing and creative vision.

Keith David was the original voice of the Black Panther in the Fantastic Four syndication 1994.

F. Gary Gray To direct this movie October 7th 2015
New Writer Joe Robert Cole 25th 11 2015
Previous writer Mark Bailey 2014
Ryan Coogler 31st December 2015


Family Tree: King Chanda T’Chaka Father, S’Yan “S’yan the Fast” brother to T’Chaka

Nanali – T’Chaka mother, N’Yami T’Challa’s Mother Queen T’Challa and Shuri Great Grandmother
T’Shan and Shuri Great Grand Children T’Challa and Ororo
Jakkara, T’Challa and Shuri all have the same father.

The Black Panther was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. His first comic appearance was in Fantastic Four #52 in 1966. The Black Panther is among the first mainstream black superheroes. He is comics first mainstream African hero, with Falcon being comics first African-American hero from MARVEL.

(A possible franchise not the standard triple Part 1,2,3,4) when Marvel invests this will be a great franchise, so long as the story are done well, definitely a political thriller with an Indiana jones adventure meets Se7en, has to be very modern and gritty.

NB: Mentioned Characters: Fantastic Four, XMEN, The Avengers, The Punisher, Daredevil, Brother-Voodoo, Spider-Man, Blade, Photon, Dr Doom, Mephisto, Deadpool, Moon Knight and S.H.E.I.L.D. of the M.C.U.

NB: Criminal Under World: Stone face, Stiletto, Piranha Jones, Cockroach, American Panther, Russian Mob, A.I.M, XCON, Nightshade, Soul Strangler, Morgan, Dragon Circle, Sons of the Serpent.

NB: Genre Adventure, Action, Political Thriller and horror

NB: T’Challa and Shuri are always two steps ahead of their opponents, also prince T’Challa and Princess Shuri must be seen as patriots.

NB: T’Challa should be based on previous African leaders: Mansa Musa I, Haile Selassie I, Kwame Nkrumah, El-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, Anwar EL Sadat, Patrice Émery Lumumba and (Colonel Colin Powell not dead Colin Powell resigned from the Bush Administration).

(Each of these African leaders were killed, and replaced by British, Belgian, American, French agencies to slow down pace of the notable nation’s)

NB: Shuri should be based on Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Oprah Winfrey, Mya Angelou, Kathleen Cleaver, Angela Neal Davis.

NB: T’Challa met Storm in Egypt and have had a childhood romance since their teenage years.

NB: Wakandan’s are highly educated, tolerant, and peaceful, cosmopolitan life style with a prosperous economy, and have access to the latest technological conveniences with traditional and very conservative lifestyle.

NB: When a male child reaches 13 they are sent on a long walk, they must survive 30 days, they are watched during this time for protection, T’Challa and Shuri began their royal training from age 5.

NB: Languages will be Zaire influence Lingala. (Due to his training T’Challa and Shuri speak many other African languages)

Story update T’Challa, and his step mother Ramonda was taken prisoner by Anton Pretorius during a visit to her homeland of South Africa.

A successful mission by T’Chaka and his uncle S’yan and Wakandan special forces, to secure the young prince and future queen of Wakanda, was successful rescue which caused embarrassment for the then South African government. For most of his childhood Jakkara and T’Challa were raised by their father alone.

NB: Tribal Clan’s Panther, White Gorilla, Lion and Crocodile these religions are influenced from Egyptian culture both before B.C. and after the death of Christ A.D.

Panther Clan Central Wakanda and country side, Vibranium and Platinum mining

Gorilla Clan/Jabari tribe live within the mountains, below the mountains is rich in farmland and crude oil and padparadscha (a pinkish orange Sapphire variety).

Lion Clan Live 10 miles from central Wakanda known for mining gold

Crocodile Clan Live by the rivers and swamp area known for fishing and wood carving’s, and herbal medicines.

(Crocodile Tribe architectural influences)

NB: An initiation is held to choose a new Blackpanther, this done to make sure an individual is worthy of the throne. Physical endurance to fight the best warriors in both armed and unarmed combat, mental endurance solving complicated questions, just like a potential presidential candidate no one outside the immediate bloodline has ever won. (Although some candidates end up, representing Wakanda in New York)

NB: T’Challa trains himself within an electronic jungle, became a parkour expert. T’Challa and Shuri are capable of tracking individuals and groups, from jung to urban environment over 12 hrs before loosing the scent both T’Challa and Shuri eyes are dark brown, when in pitch black environments eyes change to Green with Vertical Pupils.

NB: Wakanda’s neighbouring countries are: Azania, Niganda, Narobia, Ujanka, Canaan (Moses Magnum), Ghudaza, Mohannda – Wakandan Alley (Never colonised), Nairobi, Central Saharan Republic, Sudan, Ethiopia (Never colonised), Kenya.

Mohannda is similar to Wakanda extended work on infrastructure, medical, education, farming and stable economy.

Mohannda is well known for mineral deposits although never ruled by Europeans, The British, The Belgians, Dutch, Germans banded together to take over the country every single European was slaughtered in an 8-month war many officers were kidnapped, and were forced to teach Mohandans, how to speak and write English, Flemish, Belgian, Dutch and German.

Canaan Is ruled by Moses Magnum the country has good infrastructure, yet is still behind Wakanda the medical and transport and education and wildlife infrastructure is second to none yet, still has an unsafe corruptible government.

NB: Wakanda, Mohanda and Canaan are the only African nations to outlaw slavery. Mohanda slave revolt, lasted one month 1878 400 slave master’s mainly female were, lynched burned and tortured.

NB: Wakanda is an east African nation NOT a west-African nation as depicted in Black Panther mini series.

NB: Wakanda has the best nature reserve in the world, the typical wildlife you would expect to find in many African nations, they also have Lions, Cheetah’s, Rhino’s, Hippo’s, Giraffes, many birds also a rare breed of Panther the fur looks gold in colour.

Their river life turtles big enough to carry a human, and pond life which can only be seen in Wakanda and neighbouring countries.

NB: Wakanda rivers haven many islands, some islands are big enough for a small airport. Less than a dozen islands, will have herbs used in special ceremonies.

NB: Ishanta and Khatana maid a bid to purchase Range Rover, unfortunately this offer was refused. T’Chaka was informed and came up with a business plan, this resulted in investment of the BMW group back in 1995, which also involved Rover once Rover had been sold off 25% of BMW is owned by the Wakandan group. (For such an advanced nation they don’t have their own car manufacturer?)

NB: Chinese poachers have been caught within the border of Wakanda, trying to poach and steal Ivory, each member of the 12 man team disappeared. (Wakandan park rangers and jungle forces had them under surveillance)

NB: After the Ebola outbreak of in the Congo in 1976, T’Chaka was astonished to learn the outbreak could have been handled better. Upon his return to Wakanda he instructed his senior medical advisors, to set up a research facility to look at Ebola, Malaria, Sickle Cell, Guinea Worm, Jaundice etc.

NB: Khatana received approval from T’Chaka to build a solar farm and wind farm, this power source provided clean energy for the nation, these alternate energy is on 200 Acres on these near the Lion clan homeland.

Wakanda is the leading nation for disease research. Wakandan Disease Centre was designed in 1986, construction began in 1987, then completed in 1991 a 5 storey building a very modern architecture, with its own farmland when updated in 1998 it took ideas from Nike Headquarters i.e. the land development around the building.

NB: Central Wakanda has been developed since 1972, many areas were chosen, for specific government buildings. The Wakandan stock exchange came into office as of 1987, the building official name is William Arthur Lewis, an Antiguan Mathematician, who lived in St Lucia King T’Chaka admired his work so much, Mr Lewis was contracted to update and develop the Wakandan economy.

NB: New York Skyline Must feature The Baxter Building, Oscorp, Avengers H.Q, The Daily Bugle, Fisk Tower.

NB: African Countries to be utilised: Zaire, Gambia, Kenya, Angola, Uganda, Namibia and Liberia.

NB: Wakandan Economy is the safest in Africa very stable, they use notes and coins similar to Britain. 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, 1.00, 2.00, 5.00, 10.00, 20.00, 50.00, 100.00, 200.00, 1.000 worth more than the krugerrand all coins are made from gold and platinum.

NB: Several European countries tried and failed to colonise Wakanda. The Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Belgians, Germans, Italians, Turkish and Danish.

NB: Wakandan Embassy is based in New York City, the Wakandan government have purchased many properties within the U.S.

NB: Panther has a uniform for the African then European environment, utilises a utility pouch on his uniform. Extendable claws, 2″ Vibranium knuckle dusters, laser dagger, extendable batons extendable cape for gliding also capable of staying under water for 90mins.

Wakandan scientist’s, develop a camouflage suit to help with stealth. An accomplished Brachiation and Martial Artist Techniques unknown outside of Wakanda.

NB: Basic training for Wakandan defence i.e. Marines is 16 weeks, Air force is 12 weeks River force similar to U.S. Coast Guard 12 weeks basic training very intense.

(Once a recruit has undergone their training, there is advanced training in Jungle and urban desert and snow environments)

NB: Dora Milaje 16 weeks training many of the jungle forces will wear traditional moulded gold masks, this is for intimidation purposes.

NB: Wakanda is the only African country, to have developed space technology, to rival N.A.S.A. and Russian space program, T’Challa has his own Jupiter 2. Wakandan Space agency have the most sophisticated, satellite technology outside Europe, Asia and America. Wakandan. Space. Agency

NB: Dora Milaje are from various tribes, this is for the purpose of tribal peace, no tribe is better than the other. Colonel gaddafi had female body guards, this also used by T’Chaka although seen as of 1998. (An academy is set up for women only, in self defence and various forms of weaponry from swords, spears, Shield, and guns.

NB: There is an elite team of Dora Milaje known as “The Midnight Angels”.

NB: The heart shaped herb similar alo-vera must be shown in the movies, Wakandan Super-Soldier program (5 enhanced senses Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste with faster reaction, healing and stamina)

Improved Stamina, Strength T’Challa like his father is capable of chasing and subduing a rhino, his upper and lower body strength is proportioned to his body capable of 850lb lift with maximum effort.

NB: Man-Cat is a spiritual beast more powerful than a werewolf, faster, stronger, can withstand serious injuries, can also maintain the intelligence of the host, with enhanced five senses.

NB: Military uniform will have an American and British influence, Marines and Air-force, Riverguard.

NB: Utilises a Kimiyo-Card advanced mobile satellite technology, it’s unkown how much arsenal Wakanda has, it been said it’s the only African nation, that can defend itself from alien invasion.

NB: Vibranium is used within Black’s suit, also used within the military Wakandan defence force design and test their own weaponry, metal is used throughout uniform also capable to defy gravity within the soles of his boots. The signature threads, Black Panther’s suit is not only durable, but it can also “absorb the attack of another person.”

Wakandan scientists developed a material, which enhances the Panther uniform, which utilises silver suit never gets dirty.

NB: Wakandan Economy is Britain, France, Germany, Swiss and Ghana, South Africa-Namibia and Saudi Arabia combined.

NB: Wakanda is 5-times bigger than New-Jersey current population 35,788 million. The 2,111 carat stone recovered from black Cole mine.

Silver-Back Tribe they live in a very xenophobic society, the silver-back gorilla is revered, just like the Panther tribe, they have both been enemies for many years since T’Chaka learned of his M’Baku betrayal. Silver back live in a mountainous areas, where it snow’s NB: Black panther comics.

The Silverback Kingdom is within a mountain, with habitats below many diamonds and crystals surround the Kingdom. Within the mountain caves which were, carved by molten lava a large geode, their are other Geode deposits within Wakanda which are never sold outside Wakanda.

NB: Central Wakanda is a very modern and clean city, 8 to 12 high rise building’s surrounded by lush trees, many low rise buildings tend very long in length similar to British home office twice the length.

NB: The Royal Palace is one size bigger than Buckingham palace, a very modern palace which was designed in 1989, this building although home to the Royal family, wasn’t the original palace the plan was approved in 1991.

Construction began of the same year, took five years to build 3 story Palace with extravagant furnishing’s and accommodation for palace staff. The thrown room is decorated in gold, platinum, and amber the only thrown room to have a throne for a King a Queen, and three children.

T’Challa bought a three Dassault Falcon 7X planes and Four Airbus 380, both models of plane are fully customised Four Omega K-707s refuelling planes, T’Challa planes are customised for mid air refuelling.

NB: Attire for T’Challa & Shuri is Versace and Hugo Boss, traditional attire dark colours fine silks, Black silks with gold and white silks with gold.

NB: In order to protect its natural and tech resources, Wakanda looks to its leaders, and those leaders’ version of the Secret Service, an all-female team of master combatants known as The Dora Milaje (Dora-meh-LAH-shay). One of the warriors actually made a quick appearance in trailers for Avengers: Age of Ultron, but she was removed from the final film.

NB: Three years before T’Chaka assassination Dr Joshua Itobo, Ishanta came together for a project, which will revolutionise air defence in Africa. Many African nations came, but only 8 nations were capable for investment, Wakanda, Mohannda, Egypt, Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Nigeria.

Although a large project each nation gave 10 million for the development rights i.e parts of the planes to be develop in each country, a fighter based on harrier jump jet and F22, also a Euro Fighter combined with an F16.

B1, B3 Bomber designs approved by Wakandan design group. Designs from each nation judged, on capabilities and then approved for final development each project took 16 years.

NB: The Quinjet is first designed by the Wakanda Design Group, headed by Black Panther based in Wakanda and New York. (How did Stark obtain Quinjet plans, MOVIE MISTAKE!?)

NB: Wakandan Secret Service is similar to London Mayor’s office and Mi6 building in London, you never see staff going in or leaving, also general population are not allowed within two miles of the complex. Only Wakandan forces can fly directly, over the building anyone else is perceived as a threat.

NB: The Hatut Zeraze or “Dogs of War” are a conglomerate of Wakanda’s most elite spies and assassins. They are sometimes referred to as the Wakandan secret police and were formerly lead by Hunter the White Wolf.

(Semper secretum semper debito modo paretur) Service Motto They utilise camouflage technology to hide themselves. (Their uniform is white with black trim).

They were created by King T’Chaka and disbanded by King T’Challa, who disapproved of White Wolf’s violence and brutality. Since then, they have been re-branded by the current ruler of Wakanda, Black Panther Shuri. (Moss-ad, NSA, MI6, Royal Boat Service combined).

NB: Wakanda has 170 languages spoken due to various tribes

NB: Wakanda has female officers within the military as high ranking officers just like the U.S. and Israel. Many of Wakanda’s armed forces, known by their beery red, yellow, blue, green, black. (in praeparatione pugnae)

Unlike Saudi Arabia religious and state are separate, people are free to practice their beliefs. People are encourage to respect and value each tribe.

Women are treated with the utmost respect, many women outside the royal family are millionaires and multi-millionaires, every woman in Wakanda regardless of age and finances strives equality and better living standard. Its the only African country, where men and women will earn the same amount of money regardless of job.

NB: Wakanda has compulsory national service which lasts five years, also nuclear capabilities to match the U.S, Britain, France, China and Israel.

NB: (Please Support for either Keke Palmer or Nadine Ellis for Ororo Munroe/STORM)

NB: (Wakanda and Mohannda was never ruled by any European country their military can rival Chinese, Isreali, U.S, British, Moroccan, Ghanaian forces combined)

NB: Wakandan government have agents based throughout Africa, the Wakandan government have never liked the miss-treatment African people from foreign governments

NB: Pan-African Congress on the Treatment of Super humans, hosted in Wakanda, in a search of a consensus on the way to react to the American Superhuman Registration Act.

That Congress was a failure, as the representatives failed to reach an agreement before the end of the Congress.

NB: Wakandan government secretly funded the ANC, Wakandan Embassy must be seen in the franchise, a four story cream coloured building. (Located Madison Avenue)

With one story basement, solar panelled building, tinted windows which are grenade and bullet proof upon entering front door full body and then biometric and retina scan. Four Range rovers with armed security team one Bentley for T’Challa a customised Rolls Royce Ghost Car.

NB: Staff monitor F.B.I, A.T.F, State police within the Tri-border, and N.Y.P.D, due to diplomatic status law enforcement cannot hold Wakandan staff.

NB: T’Challa is the richest man in the Marvel Universe, members of the Wakandan Royal family, play the stock market and have created and purchased numerous companies.

NB: Wakandan’s can trace back, their lineage to the 12 tribes of Judah.

NB: Blackpanther formed a group of hero’s to protect the interest of Africa members: Blackpanther, Storm, Falcon, Photon/Spectrum, Luke Cage.

Blade, Black Goliath II, War-Machine, Misty Knight, Triathlon,
Rocket Racer, Prowler, Cardiac, Rage, Darwin, Battle-star, Bishop.

Patriot, Cloak, Isaiah Bradley, Night Thrasher, DeathLok, Miles Morales, Gentle a Mulatto, Debrii, Suicide, Prodigy.

NB: Wakanda has many other mineral deposits of gold, platinum, diamonds, sapphire, rubies and oil, Zinc, iron ore they don’t over refine theses resources.

NB: Many of Wakandan neighbours i.e. Mohannda, Azania are vastly rich in natural gas, oil and sapphires and gold, Zinc, Iron Ore, with vast farm land.

NB: For years many oil, gas, precious gems companies have tried to gain access, to Wakanda and have failed anyone who enters the country illegally for a European or American company are immediately branded or beheaded as a warning.

NB: Wakanda is approximately 40 years ahead in terms of medical, agricultural, metallurgy, electronics and aerodynamics.

NB: Weaponry must be designed for movie, more exotic lethal weaponry if not production designer then weapon manufacturer to design weaponry. (WETA WORKSHOP)

NB: T’Challa met with Rage and took him under his wing, through genetic manipulation, were able to restore Rage, back to a youthful age and train him.

NB: Wind farm and solar technology.
Agriculture: Sugarcane, Cotton, Peanuts, fruits, Beef, Goat, Chicken, Cocoa and vegetables and dairy farmers.

NB: Wakanda has state funded Health Service, which is based upon the British NHS, women are not allowed to marry until 19-20 same for Males. Although a democractic country still ruled by a Royal family. (The royal family choose delegates, to represent Wakanda at U.N. a mayor of Central Wakanda).

NB: Wakanda’s birth-rate is between ages of 24 to 33 having children as an average, per house hold 4 children and 2 parent’s some with grand parents, many Wakandan males still practice polygamy of two wives with 6-8 children.

(Every child from birth is issue with an bangle these are a series of beads noting your history and access royalty have unlimited access)

NB: Wakanda considered in allowing other Africans, to live in Wakanda T’Chaka, had a meeting with his top people, due to civil un-rest in many African countries they didn’t need or want problems which could hold back the country in years to come, they decided to help African nations whilst never allowing people to settle.

However Africans scientists have been invited, to come and work with Wakandan scientists, to help improve science and technology within Wakanda and the continent. Many scientists have done this have become millionaires, due to their contribution to the sciences. (Each scientist signed a confidential agreement)

NB: Although the Panther religion, is very spiritual many part’s of the religion is similar, and yet the same as Christianity and Shinto.

NB: Wakanda and Mohannda are the only African nations, which will not allow child soldiers, and any kind of slavery and mistreatment of females.

NB: Mohannda economy is Ghana, Gambia, South-Africa and Switzerland combined due to mineral resources.

NB: Dora Milaje additions WWE: Trinity Fatu, Alicia Fox, Ariane Nicole Andrew, JoJo Offerman.

NB: The old Wakandan warriors 2,000 years ago would wear a uniform, similar to Corinthian helmet with 2″horns for head butting and steel cuirass chest and torso protection also “shin, shin armour”.

=NB:10 years before T’Challa was born T’Chaka visited New York to oversee development of the , the Wakandan Embassy which resulted in a purchase of Elegant 20′ Townhouse on ‘Celebrity Row’ 37 West 70th Street.

NB: Hunter is the White Wolf, leader of the Hatut Zeraze (Dogs of War), the Wakandan secret police NSA/Mossad/Mi6 Combined. Hunter has a deep resentment for T’Challa and Jakkara. Hatute Zeraze mandate to Dispose Misdirect Expose Neutralise.

Cloaking Technology: The White Wolf’s uniform is equipped with advanced cloaking technology, just like T’Challa which can alter its appearance. He primarily uses this feature to render himself invisible. Unlike other Hatut Zeraze, the cloaking technology in the White Wolf’s uniform also allows him to make it appear to be an ordinary business suit.

NB: T’Challa has a body guard a highly trained warrior, height 6ft7ins who protects T’Challa, where ever he goes no one get’s close without his knowledge

NB: Adopted the identity of teacher Luke Charles while in America, romancing singer Monica Lynne, later his fiancée.

NB: Shuri T’Challa sister should be featured in the movie, both T’Challa and Shuri use Occam’s razor for deduction.
By letting their enemy get within arm’s length, just to find out what they are really up to before making his enemy suffer, always a with the bigger picture in mind.

NB: Trained in African/Asian Martial Art’s
Educated in both Wakanda and England BSc, M.Sc., PhD, received his first degree aged 21 a B.Sc. in physics, an M.Sc in political science.

NB: Although so many qualification T’Challa has is very spiritual, being able to converse with previous Kings and a queen before him for advise. This help him in many situations beyond his years, also T’Challa is a very keen and experienced scientist and inventor.

Shuri studied in London at the university of African Asian Oriental Studies A.S.O.S. Received her degree in political Science and African Studies B.Sc. and M.Sc.

NB: Shuri mother Ramonda is T’Challa step mother, she is the queen of Wakanda she is of South African origin. Like Kwame Nkrumah married another African national.

NB: T’Chaka funded his country’s education by occasionally selling off minute quantities, of the metal many Wakandan scientist’s have been taught to B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D levels in Britain, Canada, U.S. Japan, Switzerland.

Many subjects from Economics, Politics, Architecture, metalology, every single kind industry is covered, to raise a nation this program has been in place since 1908-update. This was funded by selling of precious stones, to companies such as Harry Winston and BVLGARI via shell companies.

NB: T’Challa secured the rights to mines in Congo, Coltan (short for columbite–tantalite and known industrially as tantalite) is a dull black metallic ore from which the elements niobium and tantalum are extracted.

Tantalum from coltan is used to manufacture tantalum capacitors, used in electronic products. Due to the Ituri conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Rich in various metals other than Vibranium Wakanda is the richest African nation in terms of its economy. On the mineral chart Vibranium is VB, Captain America shield is made from Vibranium (Featured in First Avenger)

NB: Wakandan royal family invest many millions with the country infrastructure, this results in the population staying within the country no need for foreign investment. Unemployment is normally low, apprenticeship’s is the normal recruitment there is a heavy emphasis on further education to university.

NB: Wakandan Central Library has books on all African cultures, many of these books are not available out side of Wakanda. Also many articles from magazines from all over the world, which have been translated into Wakandan.

Influences from Strahov Monastery Library|Czech Republic and British Library London St Pancras.

NB: Wakanda has an infrastructure of self preservation, based upon economic wealth which is for the people and by the people, although royalty are multi billionaires Wakandan resources, is shared to the population.

This is written within their mandate, as to make sure their population is capable sustaining themselves. Unlike Nigeria, Congo, Algeria who have resources, and never help their population.

NB: T’Chaka met with various Caribbean leaders, in the 1960’s and 1970’s as find out just how bad diaspora is outside of Wakanda, T’Chaka set up a fund to help islands develop themselves.

A second meeting of T’Chaka, Kwame Nkrumah, Anwar El Sadat, Dawda Kairaba Jawara had a secret meeting to help improve African national relations, this meeting was a success until Nkrumah was over thrown and Sadat was assassinated.

T’Chaka placed Wakandan agents within Cape Verde as to purchase the islands from the Portuguese, a deal was brokered with Wakandan government, to bring back the islands to African rule by Wakanda.

NB: (Wakandan government built a holocaust museum, which shows present and future generation what happened to African’s, in and out Africa during colonisation once a year candles are lit throughout Wakanda in a memorial service.) The museum has a unique piece which shows, the hands of slaves in bronze in various fields of labour.

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization established 24 October 1945 to promote international co-operation. Wakanda and Mohannda officially joined the U.N, in spring 1950 although a member they never took part in military exercises.

NB: The African Union (AU) came into existence in 2002, when it replaced the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which was established in 1963. Wakanda joined the union in 1972 for reasons as not to be seen as closed off.

NB: During colonisation many other African nationalities, escaped in their under ground railroad, to escape the harshness of European minority rule, this is why some Wakandan’s look different from others and dialect is the most obvious.

T’Chaka Great-Great Grandfather issued a warning to the German government, the document is ignored resulting in revolution aided by the Wakandan government, to help Samuel Maharero in Namibia as a result, in January 1904 the uprising began. In 1997 Germany secretly held talks for compensation, estimated over the next 30 years of 10 billion Euros.

NB: Killmonger managed reach out M’Baku, in order to over throw T’Challa and divide Wakanda in two, Hunter found out about the plot and quickly put an end to the plot.

NB: Movie sequel should show how T’Challa met the F.F. for the first time.

NB: There will be a supernatural element within the franchise calling upon demons and banishment of a demons, recently T’Challa became the ruler of Necropolis.

NB: Vibranium Mound is very tretchorous, and is dangerous when exposed without protective equipment. Vibranium Mound is 800 Ft = 243.84 Metre Vibranium Mound inspiration

NB: It has been reported Ishanta T’Challa cousin had designs commissioned, for their version of fort Knox Gold and Platinum Bullion and precious stones are stored. Although no known pictures have been taken, it is believed to be twice the size of Knox in a secret location.

Wakanda is the world’s richest country per capita, with a high income, developed economy backed by the world’s third with Qatar largest natural gas reserves and oil reserves in excess of 25 billion barrels

NB: Wakanda’s mutant population is divided between people who have the mutant gene, and those who are born mutants, population 19% and rising. T’Challa and Shuri in the future set -up a mutant acadamey.

NB: Some villages are better off than others, yet no village is below the bread line. Crime is very low gun and knife crime rape and murder almost non existent, due to hanging life imprisonment means life.

NB: National attire influenced from Liberia, Zaire and Senegal and Ethiopia

NB: Serpent Valley has dinosaurs which have survived, after the ice age. (Large minerals deposits have been found within valley)

NB: Silverback region is a lush vegetation very dense mountainous region, of Wakanda due togets cold weather at night, resulting in severe frost and two feet of snow on highest peaks.

NB: Ulysses Klaw in source material is Dutch his father is a German officer in the third Reich, Colonel Fritz Klaue was the father of super villain Klaw surname legally changed. He was part of the Third Reich and tried, to take over Wakanda in the early 1940’s.

Originally Klaw lost his right hand from sonic equipment i.e. T’Challa this happened when T’Challa turned a sonic weapon onto Klaw whilst trying over throw the royal family, update Avengers Age of Ultron, ULTRON ripped 70% of Ulysses right arm off. (KLAW is the master of sound)

NB: Born the son of the late Wakandan king T’Chaka, and half-brother to the Black Panther, T’Challa, Jakarra joined the Wakanda military ultimately earning the rank of General. Embittered at his half-brother, Jakarra took measures to overthrow the king of Wakanda.

He deliberately exposed himself to Vibranium, knowing that in some cases, Vibranium exposure yielded fantastic, mutagenic properties the initial change made him look similar to Thing of the F.F. with a molten red hue.

The exposure altered his body chemistry, transforming him into a monstrous, swarthy creature a bright red creature similar to the THING of the F.F.

In this new form, Jakarra rampaged throughout Wakanda, until he was soundly defeated by the Black Panther and Special Forces. (Jakarra is the son of T’Chaka his mother is unnamed, he is also heir to the thrown)

NB: Wakanda jungle is very dense, similar to Brasilia their wild life is very large, Panther island has panthers on the island, Wakanda is the new bread basket of Africa.

NB: Achebe will have influences of Sani Abacha Nigeria

NB: Man-Ape/Silverback have influences N’Gamo Hissene Habre Libya

NB: Jakarra will be the influence of Charles Taylor Sierra Leone

NB: P.W. Botha/Eugene Terre’Blanche ruler of South-Africa Azania

Barricade – Energy shield’s
White avenger – Superhuman strength, endurance can breath in space, heat vision
Harrier – Enhanced exoskeleton
Hungyr – Energy feeder
Voortrekker – enhanced 5 senses ability to track animals and humans Wolverine without Adamantium and claws.
Captain Blaze – Human torch nova capability

NB: White Gorilla Cult Ghekre the Gorilla God is an ancient Wakandan deity. Wakanda evolved from a hunter-warrior society, and was traditionally ruled by its greatest warrior.

The dominant Black Panther Cult outlawed the rival White Gorilla Cult’s worship in Wakanda. M ‘Baku (Man-Ape) of the Jabari tribe is one of Wakanda’s greatest warriors, second only to T’Challa, the Black Panther himself.

While T’Challa, king of Wakanda, is on a several month leave of absence from Wakanda, the ambitious M ‘Baku plots to usurp the throne. M ‘Baku flouts T’Challa edicts and revives the White Gorilla Cult, killing one of the rare white gorillas living in the jungles near Wakanda.

M ‘Baku bathes in the gorilla’s blood and eats its flesh which “mystically” confers the gorilla’s great strength upon M ‘Baku which physically alters his body. He tries to defeat T’Challa in combat, hoping to take over the country, but is beaten and banished from Wakanda. (The build of a Gorilla 10 times the strength, a graphic transformation)

NB: Ulysses Klaw will be influence from Mark Thatcher who tried to take over African nation in 2004 Equatorial Guinea coup d’etat attempt.

The 2004 Equatorial Guinea coup d’état attempt, also known as the Wonga coup, was a coup attempt against the government of Equatorial Guinea in order to replace President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo with exiled opposition politician Severo Moto, carried out by mercenaries and organised by mainly British financiers. Equatorial Guinea has vast oil and gas reserves.

One US official called it “the new Kuwait”. Prosecutors alleged Equatorial Guinea’s opposition leader, Severo Moto, was to be installed as the new president in return for preferential oil rights to corporations affiliated to those involved with the coup.

It received international media attention after the reported involvement of Sir Mark Thatcher in funding the coup.

NB: Wakanda doesn’t rely upon tourism for it’s economy an industry not needed from outsiders (Closed border’s)

NB: Years later T’Challa and Ororo become members of Fantastic Four for a brief period, joining Johnny Storm and Benjamin Grimm (T’Challa funded the team)

NB: Each movie will end with T’Challa sitting on a throne then his sister Shuri will be at his side finally Ororo Munroe as his wife.

NB: T’Challa was a member of the a think tank called the illuminate Member’s are T’Challa, Namor, Reed Richards, Anthony Stark, Stephen Strange and Black Bolt.

NB: Defensive styles: Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu & Yawara, Kali, Aikido, JuJitSu, Boxing, Dragon, Snake, Tiger Kung-Fu, HapKido, Nguni stick-fighting, Nuba, Jeet Kun Do,

The SPEAR system (originally an acronym for Spontaneous. Protection. Enabling. Accelerated. Response), Wing-Chun, Taekkyeon, Wushu, Capoeira, Tai Chi and basic gymnastics

Both Wakandan Armed force/Police have standard defensive techniques Wing Chun, Capoiera, Kali as standard. Only the top armed forces specialist can carry the traditional Kukri it’s 2″ longer than Napalese knife, half inch broarder with serrated edge.

NB: Wakandan’s have learned to speak and write many European languages, this was done during the brutal colonisation of Africa.

High ranking officers and priest’s were caught and forced to teach Wakandan’s, how speak and write from colonial languages.

Many other African nationals, who escaped persecution via the underground, also helped many Wakandan’s to speak forced European languages. Which helped Wakandan’s benefit to speak other African national languages, which is why Wakanda is diverse in languages. (Possible back story similar look to 300, about the failed-colonisation of Wakanda)

NB: Kabbalah colour scheme will be used with earth tone colour schemes, influences on spirituality theme.

NB: Many women and men of Wakanda will have elaborate hair styles, from Lox hair to simple and complex braids. Many styles come from Wakanda and other African nations, due to the underground rail road, this is how people identify each tribe based on dress.

NB: During the Civil War Wakanda became a neutral ground, for all hero’s from the U.S. during the marriage of T’Challa and Ororo Munro

NB: Ultimate Blackpanther – T’Challa has an older brother, M ‘Baku i.e. Silverback T’Challa initiation went drastically wrong resulting in throat injury. The U.S. government then recruited The Black Panther into the Weapon X program, also resulted in minimum shared technology of governments.

NB: Wakandan Passport design is influenced by Ethiopian, South-African passport combined.

NB: Wakandan government commissioned a design for a civilian airport which has the capability, of being militarised at a moment’s notice. The design is based on, Tokyo airport and Egypt international the most advanced airport in Africa to date.

NB: Another city was commissioned took 12 years to fully developed, the Wakandan design group have their head quarters based the there, it’s 48 minutes from Central Wakanda 500,000 people live in an industrial area people from all tribes except the Silverback, mainly people who escaped to Wakanda via the underground rail road.

Many companies from electrical to engineering, and oil companies, aerodynamics, mobile technology, and architectural firms and oil companies.

NB: Wakanda crime rate is very low because hanging is till used, this keeps population under control, and reinforces the stigma of being killed due to an unlawful acts.

NB: T’Challa and Shuri led a secret mission to capture, as many Black rhinos from South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya to stop the Elephant and Rhino from being extinct, this also resulted in poachers being humiliated, also the main dealers being exposed in Hong Kong and China. This project has made both Wakanda and Mohannda a stronger alley.

NB: Wakanda is the foremost country in terms of biometric technology, 18 Years ahead of Britain and US.

NB: Architecture influences: Oscar Niemeyer, Bahram Shirdel and Zaha Hadid, Mokena Makeka. (Pretoria in South Africa but with expensive extravagance of futurism of Abu Dhabi and central Tokyo included with Planet Naboo modern Luxor).

(Wakanda Central is very clean there are no homeless people, central Wakanda there is no gap, between rich and poor due to economic wealth of the country like Russia the state look after everything, and can maintain services for the people)

NB: Black Panther in Secret Wars #6 with Infinity Gauntlet

NB: The amount of Vibranium used to take the city of into mid air in Age of Ultron, has yet to be fully explained, was Killmonger or M’Baku aka Silver back involved with illegal purchase of Vibranium with Klaw?

NB: Influences of The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet Jakkara and Killmonger

NB: Vibranium cancer – Stark and Rogers once discovered a small sub-molecular imperfection in the shield (how they came to know this is a long story). With every blow the shield took, the Vibranium within absorbed more energy and the flaw propagated to other molecules, until the shield’s bond were completely and spontaneously broken down.

Worse still, the energies released by the Vibranium created a shock-wave that spread like a “Vibranium cancer”, violently destroying any Vibranium it encountered.

Rogers travelled to Great Vibranium Mound in Wakanda with the pieces of the shield taped together, hoping he could save the world by using the remaining Vibranium within the shield to absorb the shock-wave.

In doing so he was prepared to sacrifice what remained of the shield. However, the shock-wave was first intercepted by the Klaw, who absorbed it into his own body of living sound energy. Klaw soon attacked Rogers with his augmented powers.

When Cap reflexively raised his shattered shield in defense, the shards absorbed the energy and the ultra-powerful harmonics restored the Vibranium nanostructure.

NB: Captain America Shield was designed by Dr. Myron MacLain who created the alloy that the shield is made of. He used an indestructible alloy called Vibranium metal together with an unknown substance. As a result of his exhaustion, an unknown factor caused the metals he was working with to bond.

The alloy was poured into the shape of a discus. It was painted in its familiar red-white-and-blue pattern using titanium oxide paint. Later, the shield was presented to Captain America by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Recommended reading: Black Panther Four issue miniseries 1988, Doom War, Black Panther/Captain America: Flags of Our Fathers, Black Panther 1998, Essential Black Panther – Vol. 1, Black Panther: Who Is the Black Panther, T’Chaka and Captain America

NB: The incident Sokovia all the Vibranium which was stolen, is recovered then returned to Wakanda. Any debris which has been found on the Black-market, is then taken back from dealers via special forces.

Alternate Version: Bronze Tiger is the Amalgam version of Marvel’s Black Panther and DC’s Bronze Tiger. 1997
Bronze Tiger is the leader of Wakanda. He is seen with Senator Rocky Grimm in the United League of Nations, defending his country from takeover by Kragoff and Gorilla City.

NB: Wakanda has never attended the Olympics or Pan-African games, Wakanda has an Olympic team to Rival Britain, Canada, Brazil, Nigeria, Ghana and Japan in terms of Athletes.

Wakandan national sports varies by the decade Soccer as of 1950’s, Boxing, Wrestling as of the 1903’s. Women are not allowed to participate in boxing, there is a national Hapkido, Jujitsu, Wing Chung and Capoeira team. Wakanda has the most advanced female soldiers, in Africa many women join and branch out to become doctors or nurses and engineers.

NB: Will we ever see how Howard Stark got the Vibranium shield, which was shown in first Avenger.

Fan’s write a letter to MARVEL studios voice your opinion!!

Black Panther is a project that’s been cropping up in interviews with Feige for a decade and in Phase 3 of the MCU, it’s finally on the way with a February 2018 release date. We learned last week that the Black Panther solo movie, described as a “geopolitical action adventure,” will connect in a big way to Avengers: Infinity War , the next film coming in 2018.

More importantly, it’s the first Marvel Studios production with a standalone black superhero as its lead. Marvel’s first TV lead black hero also releases on Netflix this fall as Mike Colter returns to play Luke Cage after his introduction in Jessica Jones. 06th/01/2016 Source RARBG HELLO BLADE WAS THE FIRST IN 1998!!

NB Fan’s Need to see:
* Panther always two steps ahead,
* An inventor Philanthropists,
* Leader,
* Educator,
* Forward thinker,
* Spiritualist,
* Strategist.

New Black panther Writer all praises Mr Ta-Nehisi Coates –

Artists of Current Black panther –

Latest news: 11/04/2016

Beverly Hills Cop Star Gil Hill Dies At 84 R.I.P February 17th 2016

George Kennedy February 28, age 91 R.I.P. 2016

by Rolston  created 21 Oct 2014 | last updated – 5 days ago

Image of Ryan Coogler

Ryan Coogler

Director, Creed

“ MARVEL Chosen Director

Fruitvale Station, Creed ” – Rolston

Image of Chadwick Boseman

“ The First Black Panther all HAIL.

Get On Up, 42, God’s of Egypt ” – Rolston

Image of Yaya DaCosta

Yaya DaCosta

Yaya DaCosta was born and raised in New York City along with her sister and two brothers. She got her first acting gig at the age of eleven when her junior high school drama teacher, Ann Willis Ratray, encouraged her to audition for educational films. She continued to perform in school shows throughout high school and college and in 2005…

“ T’Challa sister Shuri

TRON Legacy, In Time, Whitney

Shuri is T’Chaka’s youngest child, only daughter, and the only biological child of his second wife, Ramonda (Queen Mother). She is the half-sister of T’Challa and the heir to the Wakandan throne. She has dedicated and trained all her life to becoming the first female Black Panther. ” – Rolston

Image of Cress Williams

“ Jakkara

King T’Chaka first son older step brother to T’Challa and Shuri, deep hatred of his younger brother and sister.

Prison Break, State of Affairs, Low Riders ” – Rolston

Image of Lance Reddick

“ King T’Chaka is the first son to Wakandan king Azzari the Wise. From an early age, he excelled in the ways of magic and took a stance to preserve Wakanda’s heritage by honouring the “old ways” of magic use despite the technological advancements of Wakanda.

Inspiration: Malcom X, Anwar Sadat and Selassie I.

The Siege, The Wire, Fringe, Bosch, John Wick ” – Rolston

Image of Angela Bassett

Angela Bassett

Captivating, gifted, and sensational, Angela Bassett’s presence has been felt in theaters, stages, and television screens throughout the world. Angela Evelyn Bassett was born on August 16, 1958 in New York City, to Betty Jane (Gilbert), a social worker, and Daniel Benjamin Bassett, a preacher’s son…

“ N’Yami T’Challa’s Mother Queen N’Yami died while in labour with Princess Shuri update or original story.

(Update – Killed during failed attempt by KLAW to take over Wakanda)

What’s Love got to with it, Strange Day’s, Olympus Has Fallen, Survivor, London Has Fallen ” – Rolston

Image of Lupita Nyong'o

Lupita Nyong’o

Lupita Amondi Nyong’o was born March 1, 1983 in Mexico City, Mexico, to Kenyan parents, Dorothy and Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o. Her father, a senator, was then a visiting lecturer in political science. She was raised in Kenya. At age 16, her parents sent her back to Mexico for seven months to learn Spanish…

“ Shuri – Killmonger Agent

12 Years a Slave, Star Wars ” – Rolston

Image of Hakeem Kae-Kazim

Hakeem Kae-Kazim

Actor Hakeem Kae-Kazim, classically trained in the UK at the highly regarded Bristol Old Vic and soon after graduation was invited to join the Royal Shakespeare Company. Hakeem’s list of impressive credits include Pirates of the Caribbean III, Lost, Cane with Jimmy Smits, Law & Order: SVU with Mariska Hargitay…

“ S’yan, The Swift is a former king of Wakanda and Black Panther. He is the son of Azzari, The Wise and the younger brother to T’Chaka, The Great. He passed the title of Black Panther to his nephew T’Challa.

Inspiration: Yasser Arafat ” – Rolston

Image of Avery Brooks

Avery Brooks

Avery Franklin Brooks was born on October 2, 1948 in Evansville, Indiana to a musically talented family. His maternal grandfather, Samuel Travis Crawford, was a tenor who graduated from Tougaloo College in Mississippi in 1901. Crawford toured the country singing with the Delta Rhythm Boys in the 1930s…

“ Zawavari

Hawk, Star Trek DS9, 15-Minutes

Zawavari honors the “old ways”, he is a strict adherent to the use of magic and all it can do shunning technology. As a result of this he is not very highly rated amongst the technology loving Wakandans, even the young king T’challa.

In his youth he knew T’Chaka and the Queen Mother it is also suggested he knew T’Challa’s mother.

In modern day he lives in wakanda in an isolated complex by himself only sought out when all other options have failed. It came as no surprise to him however when The queen mother and Storm arrived to seek his help in rescuing T’Challa from the brink of death. He assisted but in doing so he made the royal family indebted to him and tested the metle of the new Black Panther.

After T’Challa’s return he assisted him in gaining additional powers and strength through his magic’s. It is unknown what his motives are though he clearly has his own plans in all of this. Although unclear will never allow Wakanda to fall in the wrong hands. ” – Rolston

Image of Keke Palmer

Keke Palmer

Actress, Grease Live!
Keke Palmer was born Lauren Keyana Palmer in Robbins, Illinois–a small town 20 miles south of Chicago– to Sharon and Larry Palmer, both former actors. Palmer showed vocal promise as a five-year-old, when she belted out “Jesus Loves Me” in her church choir. A year later the singer-actress had a solo in her kindergarten play but…

“ Ororo Munroe – Storm BEAU-TI-FUL

Akeelah The Bee, Ice Age 5 ” – Rolston

Image of Nadine Ellis

“ Storm – Possible contender RAVISHING


Tropic Thunder, Iron Man 2, He’s Mine Not Yours ” – Rolston

Image of Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson is an American producer and highly prolific actor, having appeared in over 100 films, including _Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995), _Unbreakable (2000), Shaft, Formula 51, Black Snake Moan, Snakes on a Plane, and the Star Wars prequel trilogy (1999-2005), as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe…
“ Colonel Nick Fury
Jungle Fever, FRESH, Avengers Assemble, Kingsmen ” – Rolston
Image of Melanie Nicholls-King

“ Ramonda – T’Challa step mother, Mother of Shuri queen of Wakanda, wife to T’Chaka, surrogate mother to Hunter and T’Challa and mother to Shuri.

Orphan Black, St Vincent ” – Rolston

Image of Babs Olusanmokun

Babs Olusanmokun

Actor, Roots
He grew up in Lagos, Paris, Brazil and New York…Speaks fluent portuguese, french. He played the starring role of Kunta Kinte’s father, Omoro Kinte, in A&E and History’s new critically acclaimed Roots. He had a great working relationship and became friends with director Phillip Noyce on the set of Roots…

“ Eric Killmonger

Many years ago, Ulysses Klaw led a treacherous attack on Wakanda and its royal family. Klaw even managed to kill the king, T’Chaka, before being stopped by T’Chaka’s young son, T’Challa.

Klaw was repelled and left Wakanda, but not before he took back a number of Wakandans to serve as his slaves. One of these was a boy whose parents Klaw had killed, a boy named N’jadaka. Little is known of N’jadaka’s time as a slave to his parents’ killer, but we do know that N’jadaka harbored an intense hatred for T’Chaka, his former king. He believed that weakness on T’Chaka’s part was a key factor in allowing his parents to be killed.

N’jadaka became educated in the United States, adopting the name Erik Killmonger, earning a PhD in Engineering and an MBA. It is said that he even taught for a time at M.I.T. ” – Rolston

Image of Basil Wallace

Basil Wallace

Basil Wallace immigrated to the United States from Jamaica, West Indies with his four siblings. They joined their parents in Brooklyn, New York where Basil went to elementary and junior high school. The family then moved to Long Island where he attended high school. It was while at Hempstead High School that Basil knew for sure that he wanted a life in the theater…

“ Killmonger Father

Tribal leader of the Silverback Tribe ” – Rolston

Image of Eamonn Walker
“ Jiah Killmonger Silverback Clan
Elder Brother ” – Rolston
Image of Wil Johnson

Wil Johnson

Wilbert “Wil” Johnson (born 1965) is an English actor, who has had notable television roles in Waking the Dead and Babyfather, and on stage in Othello.. Wil Johnson was born in Muswell Hill, London. His mother was a dressmaker and his father a carpenter. Johnson had no interest in acting while he was at drama school; he had a speech impediment and had regular panic attacks…

“ Happy Pant’s

Waking The dead, Holby City ” – Rolston

Image of Sidney Poitier

Sidney Poitier

A native of Cat Island, The Bahamas (though born in Miami during a mainland visit by his parents), Poitier grew up in poverty as the son of farmers Evelyn (Outten) and Reginald James Poitier, who also drove a cab. He had little formal education and at the age of 15 was sent to Miami to live with his brother…

“ OMORO Wakandan Embassy Ambassador – (NEW YORK)

Heat of The Night, Uptown Saturday Night, Piece of the Action, Nikita, The Jackal ” – Rolston

Image of Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman

With an authoritative voice and calm demeanor, this ever popular American actor has grown into one of the most respected figures in modern US cinema. Morgan was born on June 1, 1937 in Memphis, Tennessee, to Mayme Edna (Revere), a teacher, and Morgan Porterfield Freeman, a barber. The young Freeman…

“ Johnny Handsome, Unforgiven, Batman, Olympus Has Fallen

N’Gassi – Adviser to T’Challa, acting regent when he goes away on missions. ” – Rolston

Image of Forest Whitaker

Forest Whitaker

Actor, Platoon
Forest Steven Whitaker has packaged a king-size talent into his hulking 6′ 2″, 220 lb. frame. He won an Academy Award for his performance as Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in the 2006 film The Last King of Scotland, and has also won a Golden Globe and a BAFTA. He is the fourth African-American male to win an Academy Award for Best Actor…

“ Silver Back

M’Baku is a worshipper of the sacred White Gorilla who was exiled from Wakanda because of his actions in leading the cult and betraying The Black Panther. A sacred ritual gives him apelike strength, agility and stamina, earning him the name Man-Ape.

King of Scotland, The SHEILD, Taken 3, Star Wars VII ” – Rolston

Image of Mike Colter

Mike Colter

Mike was born to Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Lee Colter Sr. At just 8 years of age he knew that acting would be his life long ambition when he saw the film “A Soldiers Story” in 1984. He began by starting a drama club in high school and becoming the president of the club. After putting on several plays and getting…

“ Jessica Jones, Luke Cage

Knows T’Challa from around the way. ” – Rolston

Image of Andy Serkis

Andy Serkis

Andrew Clement G. Serkis was born April 20, 1964, in Ruislip Manor, West London, England. He has three sisters and a brother. His father, Clement Serkis, an ethnic Armenian whose original family surname was “Serkissian”, was a Medical Doctor working abroad, in Iraq; the Serkis family spent a lot of time traveling around the Middle East…

“ Ulysses Klaw

King Kong, Planet of The Apes, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,
Star Wars VII ” – Rolston

Image of Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds

Actor, Deadpool
Ryan Rodney Reynolds was born on October 23, 1976 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, the youngest of four children. His father, James Chester Reynolds, was a food wholesaler, and his mother, Tammy, worked as a retail-store saleswoman. Between 1991-93, Ryan appeared in Fifteen, a Nickleodeon series taped in Florida with many other Canadian actors…

“ Dead Pool

Green Lantern, Safe House, R.I.P.D. ” – Rolston

Image of Chris Evans

Chris Evans

Christopher Robert Evans began his acting career in typical fashion: performing in school productions and community theater. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of Lisa (Capuano), who worked at the Concord Youth Theater, and G. Robert Evans III, a dentist. His uncle is congressman Mike Capuano

“ Steve Rodgers

Fantastic Four, Captain America, The Ice Man ” – Rolston

Image of Dominic Cooper

Dominic Cooper

Dominic Edward Cooper was born and raised in Greenwich, London, England. His mother, Julie (Heron), is a nursery school teacher and a keen theater-goer. His father, Brian Cooper, is an auctioneer. They divorced when Dominic was age 5. His maternal great-grandfather was film enthusiast E.T. Heron, who published The Kinematograph Weekly…

“ Howard Stark

Captain America The First Avenger, Dracula UNTOLD ” – Rolston

Image of Andrew Divoff

Andrew Divoff

Andrew Daniel Divoff is a Venezuelan film, television actor and stuntman, best known for playing the evil Djinn in the first two Wishmaster films and the villains Cherry Ganz in Another 48 Hrs., Ernesto Mendoza in A Low Down Dirty Shame, Boris Bazylev in Air Force One, Ivan Sarnoff in CSI: Miami and Mikhail Bakunin in Lost…

“ White Wolf Step son to Ramonda and T’Chaka

Low Down Dirty Shame, Lost, The Strain

Inspiration: Archangel Air wolf

The Hatut Zeraze or “Dogs of War” are a conglomerate of Wakanda’s most elite spies and assassins. They are sometimes referred to as the Wakandan secret police and were formerly lead by Hunter the White Wolf.

They were created by King T’Chaka and disbanded by King T’Challa, who disapproved of White Wolf’s violence and brutality. Since then, they have been re-banded by the current ruler of Wakanda, Black Panther Shuri.

After the birth of T’Challa, Hunter knew he wouldn’t be the one to rise to the throne. Feeling cheated he developed a deep jealousy for his adopted brother. In an attempt to upstage T’Challa, Hunter drove himself to be the best Wakandan possible. It was this fervor that led to T’Chaka appointing Hunter as leader of the Wakanda’s secret police, Hatut Zeraze.

Always in a Designer suit in White ” – Rolston

Image of Scott Adkins

Scott Adkins

Scott Edward Adkins was born on June 17, 1976 in Sutton Coldfield, England, into a family that for generations were butchers. Along with his elder brother Craig, he was raised by their parents, John and Janet (Sanders) Adkins, in a loving middle-class family. Scott attended Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School in Sutton Coldfield…

“ White Wolf – Step son to Ramonda and T’Chaka

Always in a Designer suit in White

Possible Contender? ” – Rolston

Image of Irina Shayk

Irina Shayk

Actress, Hercules
Irina Shayk–sometimes credited as Irina Sheik–was born in the USSR on January 6, 1986, as Irina Valeryevna Shaykhlislamova. She is a model and actress known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue between 2007 and 2014. She was the cover model for the 2011 issue. Shayk made her acting debut as Megara alongside Dwayne Johnson in Hercules.

“ Hunter Wife

Interpreter who works at the United Nations ” – Rolston

Image of Jessie Lawrence Ferguson

“ Achebe

Reverend Doctor Michael Ibn al-Hajj Achebe’s true identity remains unknown. Stories persist that he was originally a Ghudazian farmer until Ujankan guerrillas took refuge in his home, repaying his hospitality by stabbing him repeatedly, burning his farm, and stealing his unfaithful wife. Refusing to die, the farmer sold his soul to the devil for revenge, hunting down and slaying everyone associated with his wife, from close family to casual acquaintances.

Prince Of Darkness, Boy’z ‘N’ Hood, DARKMAN ” – Rolston

Image of Keith David

Keith David

Actor, Platoon
Keith David was born Keith David Williams in New York City’s Harlem district, and was raised in East Elmhurst, in the Queens section of the city. He is the son of Dolores (Dickenson), a New York Telephone manager, and Lester Williams, a payroll operations director. As a child, he realized he wanted…

“ Panther Spirit Voice

The Thing, Something About Mary, Armageddon, Pitch Black ” – Rolston

Image of Djimon Hounsou

Djimon Hounsou

Actor, Gladiator
Djimon Hounsou was born in Cotonou, Benin, West Africa, to Albertine and Pierre Hounsou, a cook. He moved to Lyon, France, when he was 13. Hounsou has graced the catwalks of Paris and London as a popular male model. He has since left his modeling career and has worked on Gladiator by Ridley Scott and Amistadby Steven Spielberg.

“ Panther Spirit Voice

Amistad, The Island, Guardians of The Galaxy ” – Rolston

Image of Isaach De Bankolé

Isaach De Bankolé

Isaach De Bankole, C’sar award-winning actor, was born on the Ivory Coast. Isaach was discovered on the streets of Paris while studying to be an airline pilot. He has a degree in Acting from Cours Simon and a Masters in Mathematics from the Universite de Paris.
“ Bashenga The Great founding Father of Wakanda ” – Rolston
Image of Victor Romero Evans
“ Babylon, No Problem, Marked for Death ” – Rolston
Image of Tanjareen Thomas

Tanjareen Thomas

Tanjareen began taking acting classes in elementary school, which led to her performing in several local stage plays. Lil TanJ continued to do theatre throughout Jr high and high school, but she promised her parents she’d get a college degree before she seriously pursued her dream. After earning her BA in TV/Film…
“ Melaika Wakandan secret service and love interest ” – Rolston
Image of Logan Browning
“ Jakkara Wife Ny’Shi ” – Rolston
Image of Art Malik

“ Kiber The Cruel

Holby City, True Lies, Wolfman ” – Rolston

Image of Jeff Goldblum

Jeff Goldblum

Jeffrey Lynn Goldblum was born October 22, 1952 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, one of four children of Shirley (Temeles), a radio broadcaster who also ran an appliances firm, and Harold L. Goldblum, a doctor. His father was of Russian Jewish descent and his mother was of Austrian Jewish ancestry. Goldblum began his career on the New York stage after moving to the city at age seventeen…

“ Mephisto

The Fly, Jurassic Park, Holyman, The Grand Budapest Hotel ” – Rolston

Image of Ade


Actor, Snatch
Born in London, in the early seventies, Ade tried his hand at various trades; from selling shoes, tickets for concerts, managing bands, to publishing an international horse racing magazine. Ade was known by Guy Ritchie who cast him as Tyrone the getaway driver in Snatch. He then set off on the European press jaunt & traveled to the United States to preview the movie…

“ Shadow King

Snatch, Casino Royale

The Shadow King is a powerful psionic entity that can possess and control human bodies. Originally thought to be a mutant, while possessing Amahl Farouk Shadow King was the first evil mutant [sic] fought by Charles Xavier. Their battle was a major factor in Xavier later forming the X-Men. ” – Rolston

Image of Danny Glover

Danny Glover

Actor, producer and humanitarian Danny Glover has been a commanding presence on screen, stage and television for more than 25 years. Glover was born in San Francisco, California, to Carrie (Hunley) and James Glover, postal workers who were also active in civil rights. Glover trained at the Black Actors’ Workshop of the American Conservatory Theater…
“ LION God Opposing religion ” – Rolston
Image of Georg Stanford Brown
“ Wakandan UN Official ” – Rolston
Image of Clarence Williams III

Clarence Williams III

Actor, Mod Squad
As the son of a displaced musician, Harlem-born African-American actor Clarence Williams III was raised by his musical grandparents, the legendary jazz and boogie-woogie composer/pianist Clarence Williams, who wrote such classics as “T’Aint Nobody’s Business If I Do” and “Baby, Won’t You Please Come Home,” and blues singer Eva Taylor (1895-1977)…

“ Wakandan Elder – Province Leader

The Mod Squad, Sugar Hill, The Generals Daughter, The Butler ”– Rolston

Image of Terry Carter

Terry Carter

Terry Carter, a native of Brooklyn, New York, is a graduate of Stuyvesant High School in New York City. He attended Hunter College, Boston University – School of Communications, U.C.L.A. – School of Theater, Film, and Television, and St. John’s University School of Law. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from Northeastern University (1983)…

“ Wakandan Elder – Province Leader

Battle Star Galactica ” – Rolston

Image of John Amos

John Amos

Actor, Die Hard 2
A native of New Jersey and son of a mechanic, African-American John Amos has relied on his imposing build, eruptive nature and strong, forceful looks to obtain acting jobs, and a serious desire for better roles to earn a satisfying place in the annals of film and TV. He has found it a constant uphill…

“ ROOT’s, A Piece of the action, Coming to America, Diehard 2

Tribal Leader ” – Rolston

Image of Herbert Jefferson Jr.

“ Wakandan Elder – Province

Battlestar Galactica, Air-wolf, Apollo 13, Star Trek – Renegades ”– Rolston

Image of Mr. T

Mr. T

Actor, The A-Team
Mr. T was born Laurence Tureaud on 21 May 1952, in the rough south side ghetto of Chicago. He is the second to youngest of twelve children (he has four sisters and seven brothers) and grew up in the housing projects. His father, Nathaniel Tureaud, left when Laurence was 5, and his mother raised the family on $87 a month welfare in a three-room apartment…

“ Wakandan Elder – Province Leader

Rocky III, A-Team, Mr T Cartoon ” – Rolston

Image of Dennis Haysbert

“ Lion God

HEAT, 24, Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, Sniper: Legacy, Ted 2 ” – Rolston

Image of Chuck D.
“ N’Gassi – Wakandan Scientist ” – Rolston
Image of Anna Maria Horsford

Anna Maria Horsford

Anna Maria Horsford was born and raised in Harlem, New York. Her parents immigrated to the United States from the island nation Antigua & Barbuda, in the West Indies (then a British colony), during the 1940s. Anna grew up not really feeling American but not West Indian either, just somewhere in between…

“ Nanali Queen of Wakanda during WWII Husband Chanda

Friday, Minority Report

Nanali was queen of Wakanda during WWII. Colonel Klaue led a mission to Wakanda in Africa to regain Adolf Hitler favor. His plane however crashed leaving him as the only survivor. Klaue was nursed back to health by the chieftain Black Panther (Chanda). He befriended the king and was amazed by the hidden Wakandans, and the Great Mound of Vibranium.

Klaue had the Wakandan’s build the Panther Idol icon, demanding that they worship it as a god instead of a brother spirit. When the panther refused, he tried to kill him murdering the queen Nanali instead. Panther escaped into the jungles, but when he returned he defeated Klaue and ripped his steel hand off, causing him to flee back to Germany.

Queen Mother to T’Chaka and S’Yan -T’Challa, T’Shan, Shuri (grand children’s). ” – Rolston

Image of Ben Vereen

Ben Vereen

Few entertainers today are as accomplished or versatile as Ben Vereen. His legendary performances transcend time and have been woven into the fabric of this country’s artistic legacy. His first love and passion is and always will be the stage. “The theater was my first training ground. It taught me discipline…

“ Wakandan Scientist

Roots, All That Jazz ” – Rolston

Image of Angell Conwell

Angell Conwell

Actress, Baby Boy
Born in the tiny town of Orangeburg, South Carolina, Angell Conwell began her journey at a very young age. After winning countless awards locally, she signed with Wilhelmina’s Kids Division in New York at the age of 10. Always one to challenge herself. She begged for her parents permission to audition for August Wilson’s highly acclaimed…

“ Monica Lynn

Baby Boy, Soul Plane ” – Rolston

Image of Meagan Good

Meagan Good

Meagan Monique Good was born in 8 August 1981 in Panorama City, California, USA, to Tyra Wardlow-Doyle, who worked as her manager, and Leondis “Leon” Good, an LAPD officer. She began appearing on commercials at the age of four. Then she started guest-starring on series like The Parent ‘Hood, Touched by an Angel

“ Madam Slay

Biker Boy’z, Think Like A Man Too, Anchorman 2 ” – Rolston

Image of Omar Epps

Omar Epps

Actor, House M.D.
Omar Epps is an American actor, starring on the ABC dramaResurrection. Epps was born in Brooklyn, New York, and was raised by his mother, Bonnie Maria Epps, an elementary school principal. No stranger to the big screen, Epps has appeared in lead roles in feature films, including Paramount’s Against the Ropes

“ W’Kabi – Chief of Wakandan Chrome Bionic arm

Juice, House ” – Rolston

Image of Taye Diggs

Taye Diggs

Actor, Chicago
Taye Diggs was born in Newark, New Jersey, and was raised in Rochester, New York. He is the son of Marcia (Berry), a teacher and actress, and Andre Young, a visual artist. When he was a child, his mother married Jeffries Diggs, whose surname Taye took. He received a BFA degree in musical theater from Syracuse University…

“ T’Shan

Cousin to Shuri and T’Challa, son of S’yan and Wakandan ambassador to the U.N

Silent Hill, The Wood ” – Rolston

Image of Kevin Grevioux

Kevin Grevioux

Actor, Underworld
Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Kevin Grevioux was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in various other states including Alaska, Oklahoma, Boston and New Jersey. He graduated from Howard University in Washington, D.C. with a degree in Microbiology, afterwards attending graduate school and this time working towards a Masters in Genetic Engineering…

“ Zuri Bodyguard to T’Challa

Congo, Underworld ” – Rolston

Image of Peter Mensah

Peter Mensah

Actor, Avatar
Peter Mensah has been doing martial arts since he was 6 years old, growing up in St. Albans, England, just north of London. A former engineer, Mensah came to Canada 11 years ago. He’d worked for British Gas developing gas fields at Morecomb Bay and had done theatre in school. He comes from an academic family…
“ General Joe Greller – Wakandan sleeper agent ” – Rolston
Image of Grand L. Bush

“ Sleeper agent for Wakandan government via the F.B.I.

Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon 2 ” – Rolston

Image of Garrett Hedlund

Garrett Hedlund

Born in Roseau, Minnesota, Garrett John Hedlund is the son of Kristi Anne (Yanish) and Robert Martin Hedlund. He has two older siblings, Nathaniel and Amanda. His father is of Swedish descent and his mother is of German and Norwegian ancestry. Garrett spent his early years growing up on a farm in a small town…

“ Sergeant Tork New York’s finest.

Four Brothers, TRON Legacy ” – Rolston

Image of Malcolm-Jamal Warner

Malcolm-Jamal Warner

Emmy-nominated actor and director Malcolm-Jamal Warner was born in Jersey City, New Jersey. He was named after Malcolm Xand legendary jazz pianist Ahmad Jamal. Warner first rose to national prominence by starring on the celebrated and long-running classic television series “The Cosby Show.”…

“ Jakarra – Half brother to T’Challa

The Cosby Show, Drop Zone, Son’s of Anarchy ” – Rolston

Image of Gustaf Hammarsten

“ Bruno, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Klaue was the father of supervillain Klaw. He was part of the Third Reich and tried to take over Wakanda.

To be seen with invading force near border of Wakanda/ Flash back. ” – Rolston

Image of Grace Jones

Grace Jones

Soundtrack, Pineapple Express
Grammy-nominee and three-time Saturn Award-nominee, Grace Jones can claim a career in show business by birthright. Her grandfather (on her mother’s side) was a musician who traveled with Nat ‘King’ Cole. She was born May 19, 1948 in Spanish Town, St Catherine – Jamaica, to Marjorie Jones (née Williams) and Reverend Robert W…

“ Head of the Dora Milaje second army specially trained female bodyguards.

Conan The Destroyer, View To A Kill ” – Rolston

Image of Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah

Actress, Living Single
Often considered hip-hop’s first lady (though some would attribute that to Roxanne Shanté), the woman behind the moniker Queen Latifah was born Dana Owens on March 18th, 1970, in East Orange, New Jersey. She is the daughter of Rita (Bray), a teacher, and Lancelot Owens, Sr. She came from a police family–both her father and older brother were cops…

“ Trainer of The Dora Milaje Introduce in 2nd movie.

Set it off, Juice ” – Rolston

Image of Naomie Harris

Naomie Harris

Actress, Skyfall
British actress Naomie Harris was born in London, the only child of television scriptwriter Lisselle Kayla. Her father is from Jamaica and her mother is from Trinidad. She showed an interest in acting from an early age and attended the prestigious Anna Scher Theatre School. From here, Harris won roles in various projects…

“ Dora Milaje Nakia/Malice

The Adored Ones are the Wakandan all-female personal body guards of the King/Queen. They are highly skilled in the use of various weapons and styles of martial art.

Miami Vice, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sky Fall, Spectre ” – Rolston

Image of Marjean Holden

Marjean Holden

Actress, stunt woman, dancer and martial artist Marjean Holden was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and raised in Vail, Colorado. She started acting from the age of 9, well being from the family of entertainers, she already knew her profession. As a youngster, she showed multiple skills in her school plays…
“ Wakandan Air force Special Operations ” – Rolston
Image of Naomi Campbell
“ Dora Milaje
The Adored Ones are the Wakandan all-female personal body guards of the King/Queen. They are highly skilled in the use of various weapons and styles of martial art. ” – Rolston
Image of Faune Chambers Watkins
“ Dora Milaje
The Adored Ones are the Wakandan all-female personal body guards of the King/Queen. They are highly skilled in the use of various weapons and styles of martial art. ” – Rolston
Image of Tika Sumpter

Tika Sumpter

Tika Sumpter was born in New York and graduated from Marymount Manhattan College. Sumpter began her career as model, before she landed the role of “Layla Williamson” in ABC’s daytime soap opera, One Life to Live (2005-2010, 2011). After she left the soap, Sumpter won a recurring role in the CW series…
“ Dora Milaje
The Adored Ones are the Wakandan all-female personal body guards of the King/Queen. They are highly skilled in the use of various weapons and styles of martial art. ” – Rolston
Image of Meagan Holder
“ Dora Milaje
The Adored Ones are the Wakandan all-female personal body guards of the King/Queen. They are highly skilled in the use of various weapons and styles of martial art. ” – Rolston
Image of Pippa Bennett-Warner
“ Dora Milaje ” – Rolston
Image of Terry Pheto

Terry Pheto

Actress, Tsotsi
“ Dora Milaje
The Adored Ones are the Wakandan all-female personal body guards of the King/Queen. They are highly skilled in the use of various weapons and styles of martial art. ” – Rolston
Image of Lesego Motsepe
“ Dora Milaje ” – Rolston
Image of Sindi Dlathu
“ Dora Milaje
The Adored Ones are the Wakandan all-female personal body guards of the King/Queen. They are highly skilled in the use of various weapons and styles of martial art. ” – Rolston
Image of Estella Daniels
“ Dora Milaje ” – Rolston
Image of Jessica Williams

Jessica Williams

Jessica Williams is an actress and model, known for Mission: Impossible 5 (2015) and Yonderland (2013). She has appeared in commercials for Nokia, Ponds, EE Mobile Network, McDonalds, Tic Tac, Dow Chemical Company, House Of Fraser and Deichmann. She has graced the pages of magazines internationally including, Now, InStyle, Essence, Pride, John Lewis Edition Magazine and How To Spend It…
“ Dora Milaje ” – Rolston
Image of Jill Marie Jones
“ Dora Milaje ” – Rolston
Image of Teyonah Parris
“ Dora Milaje or Wakandan security analyst ” – Rolston
Image of Sara Martins
“ Dora Milaje ” – Rolston
Image of Joe Morton

Joe Morton

Joe Morton was born on October 18, 1947 in New York, New York, USA. He is a television, film, and theater actor, best known forThe Brother from Another Planet, Terminator 2: Judgment Day,Eureka, and Scandal. He also writes and directs, and is a singer/songwriter.

“ Dr Joshua Itobo C.E.O. Wakandan Design Group (Dept Creative Science Division) – Quinjet is used primarily by the Avengers for transportation to various locations, the Quinjet is first designed by the Wakanda Design Group, headed by Black Panther, T’Challa.

T2 Judgement Day, Speed, Stealth ” – Rolston

Image of Colin McFarlane

“ Ishanta Multi Billionaire businessman

The Real McCoy, Batman, The Dark Knight Rises ” – Rolston

Image of Josette Simon

“ Zuni Multi millionaire business woman

Blake’s 7, Cry Freedom, Capital City, Red Lights ” – Rolston

Image of David Oyelowo

David Oyelowo

Actor, Selma
David Oyelowo (pronounced – “oh-yellow-oh”), is a classically trained stage actor who has quickly become one of Hollywood’s most sought-after talents. He graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA), and received the “Scholarship for Excellence” from Nicholas Hytner in 1998. David starred as Martin Luther King Jr…

“ Khatana lives the playboy life style Multimillionaire

Red Tails, Selma ” – Rolston

Image of Robert Christopher Riley

“ Moses Magnum

Moses Magnum’s body generates seismic force which amplifies his natural strength, gives him an unknown degree of durability and attunes him to seismic vibrations.

He can unleash this energy to cause vibratory shockwaves, minor tremors or devastating earthquakes. These waves will emanate from his body in all directions unless he purposefully tries to channel them in a single direction, usually along the length of his arms and through the tips of his fingers. ” – Rolston

Image of David Harewood

“ Wakandan Agent UK

The Vice, Blood Diamond, Homeland ” – Rolston

Image of David Spade

David Spade

Comic brat extraordinaire David Spade was born on July 22, 1964, in Birmingham, Michigan, the youngest of three brothers. He is the son of Judith J. (Meek), a writer and editor, and Wayne M. Spade, a sales rep, and is of German, English, Irish, and Scottish descent. Raised in both Scottsdale (from age four) and Casa Grande…

“ Everett Kenneth Ross – U.S. Attache

Joe Dirt, Grown Up’s, Hotel Transylvannia ” – Rolston

Image of Sam Worthington

Sam Worthington

Actor, Avatar
Samuel Henry John Worthington was born August 2, 1976 in Surrey, England. His parents, Jeanne (Martyn) and Ronald Worthington, a power planet employee, moved the family to Australia when he was six months old, and raised him and his sister Lucinda in Warnbro, a suburb of Perth, Western Australia. Worthington…

“ Marc Spector – Moon Knight Fist of Khonshu

Terminator Salvation, Avatar, Clash of The Titans ” – Rolston

Image of Laz Alonso

Laz Alonso

Actor, Avatar
Born and raised in Washington DC, Laz always knew he wanted to be an actor. He remembers at a very early age entertaining his family by imitating relatives and family friends. He graduated from the prestigious Howard University School of Business, earning a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing…
“ N’Kano – Vibraxas ” – Rolston
Image of Colin Salmon

Colin Salmon

Colin Salmon is one of Britain’s most renowned actors. With a bold voice and posture, Colin makes his characters a favorite among audiences for every role he plays. He made his feature debut as Sgt. Robert Oswald in the British mega-hit mini-seriesPrime Suspect 2, which gave him much acclaim among British audiences…

“ Black Goliath

William Barrett Foster grew up in a poor neighbourhood. He was able to escape the ghetto due to his natural intelligence and encouragement of those around him. He attended the California Technical Institute and then enlisted in the military.

Creation Bill Foster was created by Stan Lee and Don Heck and first appeared in The Avengers 32 (1966). 50 Years old Happy Birthday

The World Is Not Enough, AVP, The Bank Job ” – Rolston

Image of Colin Powell
“ Military Adviser please show use a very grounded fire fight. ” – Rolston
Image of Condoleezza Rice
“ U.S. Republican ” – Rolston
Image of John Goodman

John Goodman

John Stephen Goodman is a U.S. film, television, and stage actor. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, to Virginia Roos (Loosmore), a waitress and saleswoman, and Leslie Francis Goodman, a postal worker who died when John was a small child. He is of English, Welsh, and German ancestry. John is best known for his role as Dan Conner on the television series Roseanne (1988-1997)…

“ Head of N.S.A.

Roseanne, Red State ” – Rolston

Image of Lela Rochon

“ Multimillionaire Adventurer Princess Zanda

Harlem Nights, Brooklyn’s Finest. ” – Rolston

Image of Danny DeVito

Danny DeVito

Danny DeVito has amassed a formidable and versatile body of work as an actor, producer and director that spans the stage, television and film. Daniel Michael DeVito Jr. was born on November 17, 1944, in Neptune, New Jersey, to Italian-American parents. His mother, Julia (Moccello), was a homemaker…

“ Abner Little Multimillionaire Adventurer

Taxi, Batman Returns, Always Sunny in Philadelphia ” – Rolston

Image of Billy Zane

Billy Zane

Actor, Titanic
William George Zane, better known as Billy Zane, was born on February 24, 1966 in Chicago, Illinois, to Thalia (Colovos) and William Zane, both of Greek ancestry. His parents were amateur actors and managed a medical technical school. Billy has an older sister, actress and singer Lisa Zane. Billy was bitten by the acting bug early on…

“ Count Andreas Zorba Multimillionaire Adventurer

Posse, Sniper, The Dome ” – Rolston

Image of Kwame Kwei-Armah
“ The Liongod ” – Rolston
Image of Michael Dorn

“ Solomon Prey

STAR TREK Generation, DS9, I Am Weasel. ” – Rolston

Image of Leonard Earl Howze

Leonard Earl Howze

Leonard Earl Howze made his feature film debut in the box office hit, ‘Barbershop’. He later reprised his role in the film’s sequel, ‘Barbershop 2: Back in Business’. He currently stars on the CBS sitcom, ‘Kevin Can Wait’. He also stars in the Netflix action/comedy,’ The True Memoirs of an International Assassin’…

“ M’Butu (Nigandan)

Nigandan Prime Minister

Barbershop, Barbershop 2, Antoine Fischer, The Lone Ranger

M’Butu was the Prime Minister of Niganda, a country neighbouring Wakanda.

Erich Paine (Earth-616) from Black Panther Vol 4 8 0003

Paine meting with M’Butu

An authoritarian leader, M’Butu was violent with his subjects and proceeded to barbaric actions, such as purges against doctors.

After the fall of the segregating Genosha, he welcomed the unethical geneticist Erich Paine, and let him free to perform his monstrous experiments in exchange of a massive bribe. Paine’s facilities was among the grief advanced by Wakanda against M’Butu’s rule.

Current whereabouts unkwon ” – Rolston

Image of Sean Blakemore

“ Salamander K’ruel was one of the villainous agents working for Erik Killmonger during his original attempt to overthrow the Black Panther. K’ruel is an archer with explosive arrows and grows thorns out of giant blisters in his body that harm hand-to-hand combatants.

Motives, Star Trek Into Darkness, The Fright Night Files ” – Rolston

Image of Jamie Hector

Jamie Hector

Actor, Max Payne
Jamie Hector (born October 7, 1975 in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.) is an American actor of Haitian descent who is known for his portrayal of Marlo Stanfield on the critically acclaimed HBO series The Wire. Jamie Hector began acting immediately after high school when he auditioned for a community theater company…

“ In the forbidden Land of the Chilling Mist within the nation of Wakanda, lies the powerful Resurrection Altar. The mysterious man known only as Sombre is known as the Oracle of Resurrection Altar.

Sombre is a lean, tall figure, always dressed in robes and wearing a tribal mask of vampiric appearance that is said to have been welded to his face. Like Erik Killmonger’s other agents, Sombre is said to have gained powers from the Altar.

Sombre has an acidic touch that can instantly render even powerful foes instantly unconscious. His other powers aren’t completely known, but he commanded a group of white gorillas to attack the Black Panther and his fanged mask was able to stretch its mouth hideously wide, like a cottonmouth snake. ” – Rolston

Image of Brian White
“ Baron Macabre – He is able to Reanimate the dead ” – Rolston
Image of Mel Jackson

“ Very little is known about Cottonmouth other than before he joined the Serpent Society, he was a common criminal in Mobile, Alabama. He was presumably enhanced by Roxxon Oil in order to gain superhuman abilities.

He was then contacted by Sidewinder to join the criminal organization. During the mission to murder MODOK, Cottonmouth and his comrade Death Adder brutally attacked their target, and before Captain America was able to save him, the pair succeeded in killing him.

Cottonmouth later attempted to kill Captain America alongside Rattler, Diamondback, and Death Adder, though he was eventually defeated and imprisoned. However, Sidewinder quickly freed Cottonmouth which allowed him to continue on with the Serpent Society. ” – Rolston

Image of Kevin Phillips
“ Lord Karnaj – He used handheld vibranium- powered sonic disruptors that fired destructive energy blast. ” – Rolston


TALK ABOUT OVERDUE! #ViktorVonDoom deserves his own #anti-#hero #solo #movie complete with well defined Origin Story: loss of Mother, introduction to the occult, accumulation of power and establishment of #Latveria.

TALK ABOUT OVERDUE! #ViktorVonDoom deserves his own #anti-#hero #solo #movie complete with well defined Origin Story: loss of Mother, introduction to the occult, accumulation of power and establishment of #Latveria.

Invincible Man, The Master, Vincent Vaughn, Hans; has also inhabited the bodies of Daredevil, Norman McArthur and the Fantastic Four

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Tragedy Among the Gypsies

Victor von Doom was born to the Zefiro travelers (Gypsies) Werner and Cynthia in Latveria, a small European country which grew out of Hungary and was ruled by King Vladimir Vassily Gonereo Tristian Mangegi Fortunov, Baron of Sabbat, Baron of Haasen, Baron of Krozi. Victor barely knew his mother, a witch who had invoked the demon Mephisto for power, which raged out of control before she was finally slain by a soldier. Before dying, she asked Werner to protect young Victor from Mephisto. Victor’s father, a doctor, was forced to treat King Vladimir’s wife. When Werner could not cure her cancer, Vladimir blamed him for his wife’s death, and Werner fled with Victor. Werner died from exposure to the cold while protecting his son. Before dying, Werner placed Victor into the care of his best friend, Boris, and tried to warn his son of the fearful life he foresaw him falling into, but he died before he could make Victor understand.

A Chosen Path

Discovering his mother’s mystical artifacts, Victor schooled himself in sorcery. He began an annual contest against the might of Mephisto, attempting to set his mother’s soul free. By the time he was a teenager, he had also become a scientific genius and used his inventions to wage a one-man war against the monarchy of Latveria, always a step ahead of them. His genius was heard of even in America, and he was invited to New York’s Empire State University on a scholarship. Victor had been in love with Boris’ granddaughter Valeria, but he left her behind as his desire to acquire knowledge and the means to seek revenge on others consumed him.

Disgraced, Scarred, and Doomed

Arriving at State, Doom was greeted by Reed Richards, a fellow student who was interested in rooming with him, but Doom rejected his offer of friendship. Throughout his university days, Doom pursued a rivalry with Richards, convinced of his own superior intellect. Doom’s greatest invention was a machine designed to rescue his mother’s soul from the netherworld. Richards tried to warn him of a flaw in his calculations, but Doom was too proud to listen. He activated the machine and it exploded in his face. Expelled for the explosion, Doom sustained only a few facial scars, but believed his looks had been ruined. Filled with self-loathing he left America for Tibet, seeking new enlightenment. There he found the Aged Genghis, one of the enigmatic Immortal Nine. The now senile sorcerer directed him to seek out a long-lost order of monks. Doom made them his servants and had them forge his first suit of armor, designed to hide his features from the world. Doom had them press the mask to his face before it had cooled, ensuring that if his face had not been hideous before, it was now.

The New Ruler of Latveria – For Life

Dr. Doom then conquered Latveria, slaying King Vladimir, imprisoning his son Rudolfo, and having a robot duplicate of Rudolfo surrender the Latverian crown to him, after which he renamed the capital city, Haasenstadt, as Doomstadt. He used his genius and technology to transform Latveria into a paradise where no citizen wants, no one is threatened by war, and all praise Doom– or face the consequences. While Doom maintained a puppet prime minister, the outside world was largely unaware of Doom’s status as ruler, tending to dismiss his existence as a myth. Doom stepped up his scientific prowess, designing a time machine and robotic duplicates of himself: his Doombots. In one of his earliest time travels he journeyed back to World War II and considered killing Adolf Hitler for the crimes his Nazi regime had inflicted upon the Zefiro and other travelers, but ultimately decided to leave him to his own fate.


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#Doom has “good” intentions, according to the Panther God,  #BAST. He just wants peace and order…Earthly #MadTitan


Victor Von Doom (a.k.a. “Teen Doom” among fans on social media), would have kicked off at the end of this month and followed the future Latverian dictator on the closest thing to a college roadtrip he ever took — a journey through Hell to save his mother’s soul.

Read More: Nick Spencer and Becky Cloonan’s ‘Victor Von Doom’ Miniseries Canceled Before Publication |


#PSJV (Parker Jenkins) #BPCameo? #SecondColdWar #Doombots #ILLUMINATI #EnlightenedOne #GypsyLove

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Instead of a Black Widow stand-alone vehicle, how about this “AVENGERS” Spin-Off? #FromRussiaWithLove  Part One by Parker S. Jenkins V (Teaser)

Instead of a Black Widow stand-alone vehicle, how about this “AVENGERS” Spin-Off? #FromRussiaWithLove Part One by Parker S. Jenkins V (Teaser)



HOW ABOUT THIS? Instead of a #BlackWidowSoloJoint, how about an international redemption song in which #Bucky the #WinterSoldier and#Tasha make amends during a journey that includes their dark past and early feud. #JasonBourne handheld camera work; exotic locales and two solid, interwoven character arcs.

#HighStakesMissionImpossibleEspionage#AVENGERS#SpinOff#MCU #Siberia#Wakanda#Sokovia#Cuba#Savage#Land#Norman#Osborne#THUNDERBOLTS


– throw in #Hawkeye, #Sam, #Banner, #Tony and #NickelSlickNick for good measure and suddenly we have #WinterSoldier2. (or#WinterSoldiers) featuring BlackWidow (beginning in #Wakanda then traversing the globe 007-style)!

– and let’s not forget the history of the other WinterSoldiers that #ZEMOmentioned in #CapAm3


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