Author: W2Wblog

W’Kabi and Zuri join the cast of #BPSoLIT2018!

W’Kabi and Zuri join the cast of #BPSoLIT2018!


The Vanglorious Wakandan Royal Empire

Published by Parker Jenkins V

There’s ONE stand-alone ingredient essential to both the blockbuster and long-term critical success of any sci-fi or superhero action film. Despite the wonders of cgi, set/costume design, high tech cinematography and animatronics , each and every modern classic utilizes the talents of its elder statesman; the classically and highly trained thespian who can simultaneously muster the desired gravitas and empathy [that] only a true grandmaster of stage and film can. Stoked to note that 2007 Academy Award-winning actor Forest Whitaker will fulfill the same fatherly role as stand-outs Sir Anthony Hopkins, Jeff Bridges and James Earl Jones before him. #PSJV

#ZURI is a longtime and close friend of the late king T’Chaka [#Black#Panther (1998) #2]. When T’Challa was young he often guided the young warrior in counsel and deed. When @Klaw tried to invade #Wakanda Zuri kept the prince from harm at…

View original post 297 more words

W’Kabi and Zuri join the cast of #BPSoLIT2018!

W’Kabi and Zuri join the cast of #BPSoLIT2018!

The Vanglorious Wakandan Royal Empire

Published by Parker Jenkins V

There’s ONE stand-alone ingredient essential to both the blockbuster and long-term critical success of any sci-fi or superhero action film. Despite the wonders of cgi, set/costume design, high tech cinematography and animatronics , each and every modern classic utilizes the talents of its elder statesman; the classically and highly trained thespian who can simultaneously muster the desired gravitas and empathy [that] only a true grandmaster of stage and film can. Stoked to note that 2007 Academy Award-winning actor Forest Whitaker will also fulfill the same fatherly role as stand-outs Sir Anthony Hopkins, Jeff Bridges and James Earl Jones. #PSJV

#ZURI is a longtime and close friend of the late king T’Chaka [#Black#Panther (1998) #2]. When T’Challa was young he often guided the young warrior in counsel and deed. When @Klaw tried to invade #Wakanda Zuri kept the prince from harm at the behest of the king [Black Panther (1998) #3].
After T’Chaka’s death he became T’challa’s bodyguard [Black Panther (1998) #4]. Zuri traveled with T’Challa to America where he studied at College. He disapproved of T’challa’s relationship with #Nikki, because she was not of the “#REALM”. During the Ascension he was one of the warriors T’challa had to defeat in order to become the Black Panther [Black Panther (1998) #5]
He participated in the border lands skirmish alongside Okoye, Nakia and T’challa after the latter had granted asylum to outsiders who wanted to escape from regional ethnic wars. He also objected when T’challa thought it was wise to leave Wakanda during this time of upheaval. [Black Panther (1998) #1]. Despite his objections he accompanied his king to America. Once their he found the adjustment to American culture very hard, often finding himself in situations where he misinterpreted what was actually happening; like a mud wrestling match which landed them in jail [Black Panther (1998) #2].
He fought Thor [Black Panther 1998 #8] and the two later bonded and became friends [Black Panther (1998) #9]. He helped battle Achebe and returned T’challa to his throne [Black Panther (1998) 10-#12].


Zuri also tried to stop anyone from interfering with Killmonger and T’challa’s fight [Black Panther (1998) #20] If they had listened Killmonger would never have temporarily become the Black Panther.

[Black Panther 2009 #7]



As expected, Florence Kasuumba will reprise her role as King T’Challa’s “Security Chief” from Captain America 3: Civil War.
Florence Kasuumba
U.K. veteran, Daniel Kaluuya, also joins the cast as high ranking Wakandan official,  W’Kabi.
W’KABI, Wakandan Chief of Security and King T’Challa’s loyal second-in-command.

W’Kabi serves as Wakanda’s Chief of Security (a vice-president or military prime minister, if you will) and commands the well-equipped Wakandan armed forces.

HSH – This special plant grows only in Wakanda specifically on Mount Kanda in a section called “the Valley of the Panther”.

HSH – This special plant grows only in Wakanda specifically on Mount Kanda in a section called “the Valley of the Panther”.

Parker Jenkins V (#PSJV)

What role, if any, will this oddly-named organic Super Soldier Formula play in #BPSoLIT2018?HSH5.jpg

The Heart of Wakanda or Heart Shaped Herb is a Wakandan plant whose juices and phyto-nutrients grant special abilities to those of noble and worthy blood.


According to “Captain America: Civil War‘s” screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, Black Panther didn’t always have such a prominent role in the film. During an interview , Markus revealed that they always had Spider-Man involved in “Civil War” but, when Marvel Studio’s and Sony’s deal for the character almost fell through, they beefed up Black Panther’s role to potentially fill the gap.So indirectly theinavaibility of spiderman was planned to be filled up by Black Panther but fortunately Spidy came in right time and it didn’t affect the potential given to Black Panther…

Originally, T’Challa and T’Chaka were just the representatives of Wakanda, sort of the voice of other countries in the world going, ‘You people are out of control,’ and then to be aggrieved by possible Bucky actions. Frankly, just not have him be Black Panther yet,” Markus explained. “He’s getting his own movie, you know. He’s the prince of a country! That’s pretty good for a movie. Maybe we get to play with Spider-Man and all that. When things maybe looked like we weren’t going to get Spider-Man, it was like, ‘Let’s put the costume on that guy!’ And then he became so integral to the story as it evolved that once Spider-Man came back, we didn’t take him out. So, it was a problem that created a really nice situation.

Source: ComicBookResources & Cineablend.


Mike Murdock
07-26-2015, 08:06 AM
I think they should include it, at least as a ceremony that T’Challa participates in. Whether they go into any detail of what it is and what it does is a different question. I’d probably prefer they keep it vague.
08-07-2015, 03:36 PM
Absolutely the herb should be in the film. T’challa like Cap needs some kind of rationale why he’s blowing through goons like a one man army. Stan and Jack came up with the herb as the super human justification for Panther’s insane physical abilities. It’s part of the character’s history. I say keep it.
08-07-2015, 09:26 PM
I don’t see why they shouldn’t. That said, I’m in the “have it mainly heighten his senses” camp. Black Panther doesn’t really need to have physical stats matching Cap, because he has so many other, much more interesting and distinct, tricks.
08-15-2015, 04:37 PM
Chance Jackson
08-17-2015, 09:03 PM
Yes, its tchalla’s super soldier serum it lets him go toe to toe with cap as an equal
08-18-2015, 02:41 PM
Yeah they should its part of his history
Gamma Goliath
08-22-2015, 01:39 AM
I dont see why they couldn’t include it. Hell arrow had some magic herb that cured his
ailments. Panther should have his that gives him his abilities.
Pink Ranger
05-09-2016, 04:04 PM
Definitely the herb, but I agree that it should be treated with some vagueness. Also, it should be something that not just anyone can take and get panther powers; it should be like the Water of Life from Dune or something, where it kills 99/100 people who try it.
Lantern Venom
05-11-2016, 05:27 AM
It’s essential that the herb is referenced now. Panther showed speed and strength far beyond human capabilities. His suit is responsible for his claws and perhaps (judging by CA:CW), some of his durability, but it can’t possibly account for everything we saw him do.
Chance Jackson
05-11-2016, 06:35 AM
It’s essential that the herb is referenced now. Panther showed speed and strength far beyond human capabilities. His suit is responsible for his claws and perhaps (judging by CA:CW), some of his durability, but it can’t possibly account for everything we saw him do.he was a match for Barnes outside of the suit
05-11-2016, 01:40 PM
I say, play up a mystic angle on the herb: its not a naturally-growing source of SSS, its the center of a royal ritual that, if done properly by a suitable individual, gives them the BP powers. Not like Dr Strange won’t already be out, so people will be more used to occult magic.
05-11-2016, 02:41 PM

I’d rather the plant be rare than magical.

A plant being a natural form of super soldier serum isn’t that far fetched in Marvel Universe.

Pink Ranger
05-11-2016, 02:56 PM

Maybe the plant can be a byproduct of the fact that this is the only country with vibranium in the ground.

I’m thinking of the Command & Conquer video game franchise, where the alien metal crash lands to Earth to create tiberium, and also has mutating effects on the soil and plantlife in the area.

05-11-2016, 03:53 PM

Maybe the plant can be a byproduct of the fact that this is the only country with vibranium in the ground.

I was thinking exactly the same thing when reading an article about BP on Collider and how they could include the herb. They could easily explain the herb like that (which I think is how Marvel explains it properties in the comics) and/or possibly that it reacts with the right person’s DNA to give them those abilities.
05-11-2016, 07:43 PM

Definitely the herb, but I agree that it should be treated with some vagueness. Also, it should be something that not just anyone can take and get panther powers; it should be like the Water of Life from Dune or something, where it kills 99/100 people who try it.

I like that. :up:

05-12-2016, 04:17 PM
Yes, they should keep it, but just call it The Heart or The Panther’s Heart or something. Never liked the name.
Boy Scout
05-12-2016, 06:30 PM
I don’t see why not.
Donald Thomas
05-12-2016, 08:47 PM

I’d rather the plant be rare than magical.

A plant being a natural form of super soldier serum isn’t that far fetched in Marvel Universe.
Agreed. Besides. The heart shaped herb was in existence before the meteor came to Wakanda. There has always been a Black Panther who was the greatest warrior of the nation. Only after beating the best within Wakanda can you attempt to acquire the heart shaped herb. If you are not worthy “YOU DIE”. Interesting issue I’ve been talking about for years now. In Spider-Man The Other story arc-T’Challa gave Peter Parker a bowl of the heart shaped herb to cure him. it did not but it didn’t kill him either. This was never fully explained as to why. Is Peter a King?
Spidey rules except in Wakanda
05-12-2016, 09:11 PM
Agreed. Besides. The heart shaped herb was in existence before the meteor came to Wakanda. There has always been a Black Panther who was the greatest warrior of the nation. Only after beating the best within Wakanda can you attempt to acquire the heart shaped herb. If you are not worthy “YOU DIE”. Interesting issue I’ve been talking about for years now. In Spider-Man The Other story arc-T’Challa gave Peter Parker a bowl of the heart shaped herb to cure him. it did not but it didn’t kill him either. This was never fully explained as to why. Is Peter a King?
Spidey rules except in WakandaHey Donald, what did you think of Civil War’s Spider-man and Peter Parker?
05-13-2016, 07:41 PM

Yes, they should keep it, but just call it The Heart or The Panther’s Heart or something. Never liked the name.

I think it sounds tribal.

Plus it points out that the plant is naturally shaped like a heart which suggest it’s destined to enhance the prowess of those worthy.

Wylie Times
05-14-2016, 02:32 AM

They gotta have the herb IMO, because it’s supposed to link T’Challa to Bast (who has already been referenced).

The mysticism of Wakanda should be present in the film. Part of what makes the nations so interesting is seeing mysticism and advanced technology exist in the same place. Those things both being present in Wakanda often creates a clash between more modern Wakandans and traditionalists.

Donald Thomas
05-16-2016, 03:01 AM
Hey Donald, what did you think of Civil War’s Spider-man and Peter Parker?
Like I’ve been saying from the start. NO ONE can present the Marvel super heroes like Marvel. What ever they are paying Kevin Feige, it’s not enough. He has proven that he knows how to present these characters in the truest light to their comic book presentation. I think Spider-Man Homecoming will break every record of the past 5 Spider-Man movies.Black Panther was presented so well, I predict it will be one of the MUST GO TO movies of 2018.
Spidey rules except in Wakanda
Gamma Ra
06-19-2016, 04:18 PM

What do you guys think?

I think they should. It is part of the Black Panther Mythos, there is nothing wrong with it.

07-15-2016, 11:16 AM

I think they should. It is part of the Black Panther Mythos, there is nothing wrong with it.

Wylie Times
07-16-2016, 05:16 AM

I can’t remember but was it the suit making him superhuman or was he already superhuman without it, I think he was but I can’t be sure.

He was superhuman without the suit.

Before we saw him in the suit we saw him leap across the room to protect his father and he survived a huge blast that would have killed a normal person. During Bucky’s escape we see T’Challa go toe to toe with him and leap at least 15 feet in the air to cut off Bucky’s escape.

The only things we didn’t see from T’Challa in terms of his powers were his superhuman senses.

07-16-2016, 09:20 AM

Not to nitpick but T’Challa is more of a metahuman like Cap, not superhuman.


Wylie Times
07-17-2016, 12:00 PM

Not to nitpick but T’Challa is more of a metahuman like Cap, not superhuman.


In the MCU Cap is basically superhuman. Once your start out running cars, holding helicopters in place, and throwing motorcycles you’ve gone past peak human/metahuman levels.

07-18-2016, 03:44 PM
In the movies, Cap is flat out superhuman, as is T’Challa. I’m not sure how “metahuman” is supposed to be different than “superhuman”.
07-18-2016, 04:42 PM

The term “metahuman” is the same as superhuman. But, I think DC has rights to that word, so you’ll never hear that word thrown around in the MCU.

I would still argue though, that some of Cap’s feats aren’t superhuman. Outrunning a car may be impressive, but humans could possibly run up to 40mph. It depends on how fast the cars were going. The helicopter thing is tricky since it is also working against gravity and not just Captain America.

07-18-2016, 05:44 PM
And picking up and throwing a motorcycle…Cap, Bucky and T’Challa in the movies are straight up superhuman.
07-19-2016, 03:26 PM

Also, that 40 MPH number isn’t really accurate. It comes from a calculation of of how fast one could theoretically run if you railed all the limiting biomechanical factors to their limits, given the basic materials used to compose a human body. The actual world record sprint is only 28 MPH, and I seriously doubt we will ever see anything close to a 40 MPH sprint without notable human augmentation.

That said, the real issue is that any attempt to explain away Cap’s ( and Bucky’s and T’Challa’s ) physical feats as “actually not really superhuman” ends up breaking Occam’s Razor. It takes considerably more complexity and sophistry to make such a rationalization, feat by feat, than the much easier explanation of “they are superhuman”. The only reason anybody even tries is because of comic book precedent, a precedent that the movies have never actually invoked in the first place.

08-06-2016, 08:51 PM

And picking up and throwing a motorcycle…Cap, Bucky and T’Challa in the movies are straight up superhuman.

Not only did he throw the (presumably 1,000 pound) motorcycle something like 15 feet, he threw it so hard it went through a military suv’s engine compartment completely stopping said SUV that was going fast enough and had enough inertia to cause the backend to pop up in the air by a signifigant amount as a result of the sudden stop.
Soul-shaped Herb Elixir

See Also:

theoryYash Patadia, Movie analyst. Updated May 30

Yes, we can’t see any scenes in which involves Black Panther taking Heart-Shaped Herb which, in addition to his mystical connection with the Wakandan Panther God, grants him superhuman. There may be two possible explanation to this. The first would be that they’re saving it for the solo movie. Civil War leaves that explanation in ambiguous state whether he gets his power from suit or from this rituals. Second reason to this would be that the marvel has kept mysticism out till now, if you see all the superheros portrayed in Marvel movies till now has their power based scientific explanation so they may not want to introduce mysticism suddenly. Though they have started a bit it by recently announced Doctor Strange.

 See Also:
#BlackPantherNo007 PREVIEW! 10/19/16

#BlackPantherNo007 PREVIEW! 10/19/16

THE CREW STARTS NOW! With no one left to trust, T’Challa leans on his day ones: Luke Cage. Misty Knight. Storm. But Wakanda may be too far gone for this all-new, all different CREW.


Changamire Tempted by the empath, Zenzi!

STORY BYTa-Nehisi CoatesART BYChris SprouseCOVER BYBill Sienkiewicz, Brian Stelfreeze, Esad Ribic,Marguerite Sauvage, and Mike DeodatoPUBLISHERMarvel Comics



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Compiled by #PSJV (Parker Jeknins V)

The Similarities btw 2Pac Shakur & Uncle Bulletproof Luke Cage (#PSJV #w2w)

The Similarities btw 2Pac Shakur & Uncle Bulletproof Luke Cage (#PSJV #w2w)

A couple random thoughts off the top of the dome:

Although his West Coast appreciation indicated otherwise, Shakur was born in East Harlem, New York, on June 16, 1971.



Me Against the World hit number one on the Billboard 200, making Shakur the first artist to accomplish this feat while serving a prison sentence. Both Tupac and Power Man were incarcerated under suspicious circumstances.


Tupac was shot five times in a robbery on November 30, 1994 and survived to tell the tale (he allegedly took the elevator up to the studio session afterwards; bleeding profusely he rolled a blunt upon his arrival). C. Wallace, stage name Biggie Smalls, joked that ‘Pac had a reputation for being bulletproof.

Unafraid of the Swirl…lol



B.I.G. Cotton

Parker S. Jenkins V (as Todd Freeman) #PSJV






‘Black Panther’ is set to hit theaters February 16, 2018

Shooting for the film was revealed to start in January 2017 and we ourselves revealed that the film is set to take shooting in Atlanta, GA and studios are eyeing to also film in Africa. We want to also reveal that there are numerous roles available for both African American and other of African descent. All participants ( actors, extras, stand-ins, photo-doubles and crew) or talent and crew members must have legal eligibility to work in the entertainment industry in the state of Georgia and the US. The Atlanta Actors Resource Guide eBook contains the information and documents for adults, minors and foreign talent who would like to work as an extra or actor on film television production and the US. All Actors Resource Guide ebook are available.
Principal Actor Casting Director (speaking roles only)

View original post 285 more words



‘Black Panther’ is set to hit theaters February 16, 2018

Shooting for the film was revealed to start in January 2017 and we ourselves revealed that the film is set to take shooting in Atlanta, GA and studios are eyeing to also film in Africa. We want to also reveal that there are numerous roles available for both African American and other of African descent. All participants ( actors, extras, stand-ins, photo-doubles and crew) or talent and crew members must have legal eligibility to work in the entertainment industry in the state of Georgia and the US. The Atlanta Actors Resource Guide eBook contains the information and documents for adults, minors and foreign talent who would like to work as an extra or actor on film television production and the US. All Actors Resource Guide ebook are available.
Principal Actor Casting Director (speaking roles only)
Submit photos and resumes by mail only.
No phone calls or personal drop-offs.
Black Panther Casting
Jason B. Stamey
Sarah Finn Co.
588 N Larchmont Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Starring and supporting roles are mainly being cast through talent agents. You can find comprehensive listings and submission addresses for talent agents ((((((((HERE))))))))))z. However, if you are not signed with an agent wish to self-submit, I highly recommend that your 8×10 color and resume along with the cover letter be sent in 9 x 12 Clear Full Face Window Envelope with the photo visible in the window,
Extras Casting
Extras registration and casting calls will be posted closer to the start of filming
Crew Members
Crew members and vendors can submit resumes and info to the following:
Absolutely NO actor or extras submissions to this email address, they will be discarded.
Production Companies:
Do NOT send photos and resumes to the production companies, as they will end up being thrown away. They do not cast the films, rather they will end up being thrown away. They do not cast the films, rather they hire casting directors who sort through the thousands of submissions.
Marvel Studios
500 South Buena Vista Street
MC 3301
Burbank, CA 91521
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Team Disney Building
Burbank, CA 91521
Kevin Feige
Ryan Coogler
Joe Robert Cole
Ryan Coogler
Chadwick Boseman – T’challa/Black Panther
Andy Serkis – Ulysses Klaue/Klaw
Lupita Nyong’o – Nakia/Malice
Michael B. Jordan – N’Jadaka/Erik Killmonger
Winston Duke – Man Ape
T’Challa, Prince of Wakanda, must rise to take the mantle of the Black Panther after his father the King T’Chaka, is treacherously killed.

African origins of America

Black today

The Indigenous Negroid

When the enormous monoliths were unearthed from Mexico, the sculptured images that were carved to form a 24-foot ton head from a single mass of basalt rock had been discovered. No one suspected this mysterious part of a civilization that only seems to have vanished. At the cultural paradox of this civilization – La Venta, eighteen miles from the Gulf of Mexico, four colossal heads were unearthed. The monoliths had been carbon dated. The results of carbon 14 testing of the stone heads found in Mexico caused a startling uproar amongst the archeological circles. Various additional testing were performed, however the earliest date that carbon 14 testing came up with regarding the stone images was the year 291 B.C. As more diggings were performed in Middle America, larger heads were discovered (24 tons – average sum of the weight). The new discoveries were even more mysterious for…

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